OKR. Use The Power of Stretch Goals for Your Company

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. OKR is the top performance framework used by Google, Amazon, Netflix, and many more Fortune 500 companies. It is a simple yet effective tool if embraced as a culture. Stretch goals are where OKR shines and becomes the ultimate lifestyle of a company to find its true potential for any goal. Let’s define, study, and truly understand how stretch goals work.

Saygin Celen
Innovation Party


OKR can be incredibly useful for any size company and it can also be life-changing individually. To build it as a part of your culture, you need to apply the guidelines with discipline.

Let’s dive into the principles of OKR and how you can maximize your performance using them.

Each OKR is implemented using 3 steps: Objectives, Key Results, and finally Initiatives.


Objectives are the main priorities of the company. It can also be seen as the vision. It all starts with the top decisionmaker creating the top objective, which becomes the top priority.



Saygin Celen
Innovation Party

Into innovation | design | engineering. Sociable traveller. Check out the link to see how I can be helpful: lnk.bio/Sai_Awaynear or email: saygin@awaynear.com