Practice Disruptive Innovation by Reading The Top 3 Awaynear/Innovation Party Books.

Practice makes perfect. We need to ask the right questions to get the right answers. What’s missing with the education system all over the world is that it misses the practicality and applicability. We memorize to learn and learn to forget. We learn without knowing the goal or the use of it for our lives. Now that the internet has become an extension of our minds, we can become anything we want to be if we focus on the right things. Upgrade your business and mind with the Awaynear Innovation Books.

Saygin Celen
Innovation Party
5 min readNov 6, 2021


Einstein: “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Have fun learning while applying what you enjoy sharing.

Reading opens new horizons in our minds. It lets us broaden our view of things while connecting the dots. However, there are so many books and topics to choose from, it may become overwhelming. Awaynear Innovation books are solely focused on disruptive innovation that affects millions of lives. Even if they are written about complicated and advanced topics, you don’t need to be a technical person or an expert in the field. They are written so that you build a broad understanding of the topic within a few hours and practice them as experts while using the books as references whenever you need them.

You can check the top sellers of Awaynear Innovation books below.

We will look into 3 books in this story.

  1. Helium Network. The Best Crypto Mining Passive Income Business. An Incredible Technology with a Robust Business Model.
  2. OKR. Master the Performance Framework that Google Perfected. Google owes its huge success and most innovative culture to OKR (Objectives and Key Results)
  3. Climate Crisis. Climate Change Emergency Becoming an Opportunity for a Sustainable Future Economy.


Helium Network. The Best Crypto Mining Passive Income Business

Helium Network is one of the most meaningful technologies and businesses paving the way to build the people’s network and empowering people around the world.

Helium Network is building the people’s network of IoT and 5G with a great number of individual miners (hotspot owners) who connect IoT devices by using their hotspots and in return, they are awarded Helium coins and make $1000+ per month on average passively. There are already over 270,000 Helium hotspot owners who are actively mining around the world. The business is almost 10 years old, however, it gained significant traction in the last 4 months and the number of Helium coin miners jumped from 40,000 to 270,000 within a few months.

You can read the sample and buy the ebook on Amazon by clicking below.

Backed by Google, Helium Network was founded by the Silicon Valley veterans such as Shawn Fanning, the founder of Napster and the business already has over $54 million investment.

It’s a great blockchain and IoT technology and business. You can become a part of this beautiful business by building the people’s network of IoT and 5G. The best thing is that you don’t need to have any technical skills and once you set up the Helium hotspot, you don’t need to do anything. It consumes no energy or your wifi bandwidth, using radio signals.


OKR. Master the Performance Framework that Google Perfected

OKR may be the best way to build an innovative company and lifestyle that humanity have come up with.

Originally an Intel-created innovation management system, Google and many top companies in the world, such as Airbnb, Spotify, and Amazon use OKR (Objectives and Key Results) as an inseparable part of their cultures throughout their lifetimes.

Google adopted OKR into their culture in their very early times when John Doerr, as a former Intel executive and an investor for Google, presented it for Google to grow and innovate back in 1999.

You can read the sample and buy the book on Amazon by clicking below.

OKR let Google and all other companies that use it the power of being an innovative startup no matter the size of the company. Youtube, Gmail, and many other giants businesses grew thanks to using OKR as a fundamental part of their management system. OKR integrates design thinking, stretch goals and so many different methods in a perfect balance, it’s extremely beneficial to know how it works for anyone.

You will learn how they grew using case studies while learning how to apply OKR to your company and personal lives. OKR is an advanced and yet easy to apply method that can change your life in a week as you adopt and apply it into your life. You may simply conclude that it may be a great solution since the top people and companies are using it daily.


Climate Crisis. Climate Change Emergency Becoming an Opportunity for a Sustainable Future Economy.

Climate change is the biggest existential threat that humanity is facing right now. We built a carbon-fueled complex economy in a century and we are on the verge of ruining the carbon cycle irreversibly if we don’t take immediate action as one world.

The book explains concisely the history, current status, and the new and upcoming technologies along with the innovations and collaborations that are all needed to tackle the climate crisis.

You can read the sample and buy the book on Amazon by clicking below.

Some highlights include carbon taxes, subsidies, carbon capture, and removal technologies as well as the 1 Trillion Tree project to create reforestation, Tokamak nuclear fusion technologies, Costa Rica, USA and China country cases, Paris Agreement, and more.

You will gain a deep understanding of how climate science works while learning about the solutions we need to create in the next 3 decades using global-scale collaboration, technologies, and innovations to avoid global warming of over 2 degrees Celsius.



Saygin Celen
Innovation Party

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