Don’t Piss Me Off. It Helps Me Win

Pat Villaceran
Innovation Philosophie
2 min readDec 13, 2016

People who play any competitive sport would find it very easy to understand. It is just one simple concept of winning.

I am not the type of person who’s overly greedy to step on others to win, but it is very helpful to have a winner’s mindset.

In your life, there will be what we can call as Villains in your story, the foe, the opponent. Though they may seem like roadblocks to your happiness, they can actually help you reach your greatest potential.

In my experience, going head to head with the best has always been exciting. In school, in competition, sports, the main goal is to be NO. 1. However, when you move out of these structured environments, you would not have any particular measure on who wins or who loses. Worse, you, most of the time, would not even acknowledge that some people in your life disguise themselves as companions, when in fact, they are your story’s Villain.

They could come in the form of that annoying taxi driver who was not listening to your directions, the manager who demeans you in front of everyone, the neighbor who just cannot throw his trash right or even that particular family member whose main goal in life is to put you down.

In our lives, we all have different forms if Villains.

I have encountered a lot of them in my 20-something years, but I have found that their opposition does not only fire me up, it also encourages the hell out of me.

It pushes me in supersonic mode. If forces me to focus on that one thing I need to do. It simply makes it better.

I have my own motivation, but sometimes, these Villains just push me to give more. Thus, me being in my best.

Of course there will be no guarantee that I will win because in life, it’s really hard to measure this. You do not have a 3-point shot at the last minute. You don’t have a physical line you need to cross for touchdown.

But, you would know.

I would know because at the end of the day, I gave my all. I have become better. I am getting closer to the person I wanted to be and knowing that will give me happiness and peace… things I’m not sure these Villains have.

So at the end of the day, let’s be grateful to all these so-called Villains. If they were not there, we would not be the oh-so-damn-good protagonists that we are.



Pat Villaceran
Innovation Philosophie

➡ Mogul, author, social entrepreneur. Discover my multi-faceted world and my vision. 🖋’Vie la vie dans l’intérêt général, pour le sommum bonum.’