Growing Means Transformation

And transformation requires hardships

Pat Villaceran
Innovation Philosophie
3 min readMar 9, 2017


There are countless times I had wished for an event to just disappear in my life. There are instances and events I prayed to go away. There are “problems” that seemed permanent.

However, as I felt the shift in my life, I learn that these “hardships” and so-called “problems” are necessary for my growth. If they did not come, I would not be the person I am today.

That might sound cliche, but it’s true.

I have the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. There are even days, weeks and months where I felt stuck and unable to move. There are battles within yourself that you have to fight alone and there are daily struggles that you have to face anyway.

During my low seasons, I would feel like drowning. Then, I pull myself back up, enduring the emotional and physical pain. There are those brave days where I face the fight head on and win.

This year has been a revelation to me. There were problems that looked like the distant cousins of what I have faced over the past years. But, surprised, I saw myself dealing with them in a more powerful and peaceful manner. If it was my younger self, I would have gotten startled, stuck and crazy.

It’s because of the WISDOM I have learned as I thrive above those hardships over the past years:

These are simply tiny specs in my legacy, a legacy bigger than me and my lifetime.

It’s like when you have been bumped by a stranger while getting hurry to go to work or when you’ve been stuck in a waiting line. You could spend all your energy arguing with that stranger and demanding apology or you could use the other 18 hours of your day productive and happy.

I also believe that the highs and the lows are part of God’s benevolence.

I will never understand God’s plans, but for as long as I trust his ways, I have nothing to worry about. I have seen miracles multiple times in my life. My daughter has been a daily reminder of His grace. The pain, the confusion, the frustration will be there. It’s a part of my humanity.

However, I can control how I react with every storm. I can look forward to the future and focus on the bigger picture, or I could deal with the pettiness that serves as a distraction to my path.

So, to end this, I would like to sum everything up with the words from my favorite author.


Pat Villaceran is an author and social entrepreneur. Her books are available at THE REVOLUZIONNE Library. She builds companies that foster excellence and social responsibility. Her focus is on finance, media, publishing and other ventures. She also mentors entrepreneurs and career personalities on success, high-level business strategies, global market expansion and more. If you want to get on a coaching call with Pat, you can reserve your slot today!



Pat Villaceran
Innovation Philosophie

➡ Mogul, author, social entrepreneur. Discover my multi-faceted world and my vision. 🖋’Vie la vie dans l’intérêt général, pour le sommum bonum.’