Quick Tales: I Need A Breather

Pat Villaceran
Innovation Philosophie
1 min readMar 6, 2017
(Photo by iStock0

Okay, here we go.

I’m almost at the finish line with just 2 laps to go. In marathons, the finish line is the most important thing of all.

As I see the horizon up ahead, with that much-coveted yellow line, I start to tremble. I start to run frantically. I knew I was going to go beserk, then, I thought to myself, I needed a break.

I slow down my pace. I deepened my breathing. I put my mind at a place far from the race and thought of a vast greenery up north.

My muscles began to relax. My head was cooled down. I felt peace and happiness and I started to move out.

I know the time is so little and I have two laps to go.

I took a breather which had lost me some time, but gained me a second wind. After running 8 lapses this morning, only a second wind can save me.

So here I go. Boldly, confidently and proudly pushing through the finish line.

Hey, you! Take a breather, too!



Pat Villaceran
Innovation Philosophie

➡ Mogul, author, social entrepreneur. Discover my multi-faceted world and my vision. 🖋’Vie la vie dans l’intérêt général, pour le sommum bonum.’