The Computing Trinity

Intro to The Computing Trinity

Tian-Yuan Zhao
Renaissance Personhood
4 min readSep 28, 2019


AKA “The Grand Singularity Theory”

Being a human factors specialist within the blockchain space ever since 2015, I’ve constantly and consistently thought about what the future might look like. To learn more about my journey into the world of “Distributed Computing”, please feel free to read through the following:

The reason for this is because ever since 2015, having seen all these buzzwords in the Web 3.0 space such as Decentrlizad Autonomous Organization (DAO), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), and Self-Solvereign Identity (SSI) amongst the many other concepts within the whole wide world of Industry 4.0 I’ve been trying to find a unified theory for the entire Industry 4.0.

Thus far, I’ve been able to come up with several trichotomies to structure my understanding of the Industry 4.0 as well as my perspective on what a “killer dapp” could be and you can learn all about it below:

Think of the following as a “Theory of Everything” but for the Industry 4.0 so-to-speak — let’s call it the “Unified Theory of the Singularity” or “The Grand Singularity Theory”:

  • Web 3.0 is not only the evolutionary step of the Web 2.0 as we know it, but it’s also going to become the Internet’s Design System as a whole
  • This is because the internet as we know it today — Web 2.0 is simply put all about Social Networking
  • Why? The reason is that it’s all about the fact that there is a need for user accounts to exist so that they may WRITE to the Internet, which is an evolution from the Web 1.0 — READING from the Internet
  • So what is Web 3.0 exactly? Web 3.0 is all about transacting and interacting with the World Wide Web, though will it just be “reading” or “writing”? No, I’m not sure what ONE word will be best to describe this relationship between the user and the internet.
  • But to bring this back to the original point — let’s assume that the least common denominator of features we see in all these centralized Web 2.0 companies are a sign of what the internet needs as a whole such as streaming, newsfeeds, payments, etc.
  • The internet may need these features to exist but the user doesn’t have a need for there to be multiple versions/instances/copies of the same feature, then it’d be best to have all of these same features be centralized from a front-end perspective, but decentralized in the back-end.
  • This can be proved by the current state of AI as well. With the AI trinity of Machine-Learning, Deep-Learning, and Relational-Learning showing which features resonate with users the most. Just look at the AI Website Builders that are out there.
  • To bring it home — a “design system” is a single source of truth that possesses a set of reusable components. In the case of the Web 3.0 Internet, it’d be a set of reusable features in the form of token standards, protocols, and Dapps. As opposed to Paypal vs. Pay-This Pay-That, it’d be one single front-end option, perhaps in the form of a Blockstack Dapp or Brave Dapp that allows for payments or maybe even a decentralized OS that enables payments with 1 single front-end interaction as opposed to a competing set of centralized payment services.
  • Thus “we are disunified through centralization but we are unified through decentralization”
  • With this, we can answer the questions of why DAO? Why DeFi? Why SSI? Why others?
  • DAO, so that the Web 3.0 can have its own political structure
  • DeFi, so that the Web 3.0 can have its own economic structure
  • SSI, so that the Web 3.0 can have its own social or societal structure
  • But, the key difference here is that Web 3.0 will have these structures in place as regulated by code whereas Web 2.0 had these structures in place but regulated centrally by the different businesses that ran the Web 2.0 products.
  • But what does it mean for Web 3.0 companies?
  • Well Web 3.0 companies won’t be companies, they’ll have to exist as collectives, digital/crypto-economic collectives. Again I speak of this in my Hackernoon article, shared above.
  • Oh and there’s also AI and IoT, how they’ll all fit into all of this, a tale for another time…



Tian-Yuan Zhao
Renaissance Personhood

Toronto-based Digital Product Designer Who puts the “passion” in “compassion” I’m currently doing human factors work within the blockchain & fintech worlds.