Design Suggestions for Facebook News

Tian-Yuan Zhao
Renaissance Personhood


Social Media Commentary — Part 2 of 3


What is “Impactful Design”?

There are many sayings and expressions out there that advocate for the importance of paying attention to the smallest/littlest things in life. As a product designer, I’ve come to embrace this notion. Especially, when it comes to the most important, critical, and defining aspects of our lives; when these products or services that form a crucial part of our lives are poorly designed and/or implemented, they can have ripple effects that will either make it or break it in terms of their user/customer/consumer experiences.

This is why I’ll be committing to a monthly or quarterly post where I’ll be making a few small change requests for products in terms of their design that I believe could yield the biggest of differences in their overall impact for not only the user/customer/consumer but the world-at-large. What do I mean by that? I’m not going to be making lofty claims that it’ll make some drastic and dramatic change like ending poverty but will at least look at it from a business and societal perspective as well (that last part could either be cultural, economic, and/or environmental).

The way I’ll be addressing these change requests will be primarily focusing on the information…



Tian-Yuan Zhao
Renaissance Personhood

Toronto-based Digital Product Designer Who puts the “passion” in “compassion” I’m currently doing human factors work within the blockchain & fintech worlds.