My Product Design Journey

My foray into the world of product design began way back when I was a young lad, during the time of the first Tech Boom AKA Dot Com Bubble. The following is a chronicle of my road to becoming a product designer. It’s a story that’s still ongoing (obviously) but it’s a tale with a proven track record of success:

Tian-Yuan Zhao
Renaissance Personhood
6 min readMar 15, 2017


I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada — a small provincial capital town of around 700,000 people (circa 2017). It was a time when floppy disks, VHS, and Blockbuster still existed, a time when Netscape reigned supreme, and that dial-up sound was the theme song to our everyday personal computing lives. It was a time when I first started using Windows Movie Maker to create Anime Music Videos (all the rage during those days) to be uploaded onto the nascent untainted BG (Before Google bought Youtube and became this company gobbling machine we see today) years of Youtube, when was the first non-dot-com site that I frequented and wrote actively on, when DeviantArt was the go-to portal for enthusiastic artists such as myself.



Tian-Yuan Zhao
Renaissance Personhood

Toronto-based Digital Product Designer Who puts the “passion” in “compassion” I’m currently doing human factors work within the blockchain & fintech worlds.