Innovation Ç [event recap]

Luuk Weber
Innovation Ç
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2019

We ended 2018 with a bang! In just 7 weeks we managed to organize Innovation Ç an end-of-year conference in Curaçao.

We gathered over 90 of the brightest minds, entrepreneurs and innovators of Curaçao all to delight them with the trendiest topics regarding innovation. With a diverse lineup consisting of 8 local speakers, each with their own beautifully crafted speeches, inspiring stories, and valuable knowledge all kept together smoothly by the talented radio host and MC: Maarten Schakel. Topics covered during the event included: Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, Well-being, Entrepreneurship, and Decentralization.

With Innovation Ç we took a moment to reflect on the positive developments and advances made on Curaçao, but also focused and unified to keep innovating in 2019 and beyond.

The event took place at Landhuis Chobolobo, where the world-famous and iconic Blue Curaçao liqueur is made. Landhuis Chobolobo is one of the oldest companies established on Curacao and is also one, believe it or not, founded upon failure. Settlers tried planting Orange’s on the island, but the oranges came out extremely sour and bitter, as a result, they were not eatable and after some experimenting turned out to be suitable to make liquor with.

This testing culture is still present at the Landhuis as they are continuously innovating, from biodegradable bags to a beautiful online platform. Though the event was semi-formal in nature, the beautiful venue provided the attendees with a cozy and laid back atmosphere which created the ideal place to network (attendees left more than an hour after the event).

The first edition of Innovation Ç exceeded all our expectation, the feeling of unity was truly there and the feedback we received was very positive. We are beyond thankful for the amazing turnout and all the support and would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody involved in the first edition of Innovation Ç.

In 2019 we hope to be able to harness the positive energy and immense amount of knowledge present on the island to create innovative solutions for Curaçao in an open way. Innovation C is an open project, a movement for everybody who wants to contribute to a better Curaçao.

If you are interested in innovation and would like to (actively) become part of the Innovation Ç we encourage you to reach out through the Facebook Page or follow Instagram.

Full recordings by VIO Sambo will be online soon, keep a close eye on our Facebook page. We’ve provided a short written summary of the talks below.

Boudino de Jong: Innovation X MVP

Boudino shared the story behind SkeniCash and how it went from idea to minimum viable product. Through his presentation, he showed the importance of market research, innovation through MVPs and scalable business models.

Sabine Berendse: Circular Economy

Sabine shone a light on the environmental consequences of the linear economy that we currently live by and how it is affecting, for instance, sea turtle species. She founded the Sea Turtle Conservation Curacao to protect endangered sea turtle species from the plastic pollution present on the island. Sabine is convinced that transitioning into a circular economy will not only save sea turtles but will also have positive effects on our wellbeing and the environment we live in.

Andrew Kirchner: Sustainable Thinking

Andrew shared the story of how a spinal injury not only changed his life but also the way he thought about it. Changing his way of thinking into a more sustainable one is what

ensured that he was able to recover and regain control of his life. He is now a “recycled pirate” and makes art by using recycled materials and sells his work worldwide.

Germaine Gibbs: Our Wellbeing in a world of Technology

Germaine once experienced a panic-attack mid-flight but was able to overcome it by breathing. Though simple, we often underestimate the power and effect of breathing, and that’s what Germaine aimed to achieve with her presentation. To make the audience more aware, more present and to make them understand the importance of making time for yourself and your wellbeing in our busy schedules.

Evita Sanches: Teamwork makes the Dream work

Evita’s passion for creativity and entrepreneurship motivated her to host a small pop up fair in her garden. There turned out to be a huge demand for crafter farms on the island and this lead to the Passionistas community. Though leading by example interaction and collaboration can be promoted within a community. And once we work together as a team the sky is the limit!

Ronald de la Fuente: Innovation at Landhuis Chobolobo

Ronald shared some of the rich the history of Landhuis Chobolobo and what innovation looks like in practice. Testing is one of the primary methods used at Chobolobo for improving their process because there is no innovation and creativity without failure. Besides the landhuis turned out to be very #sustainable with Solar panels on the roof, locally sourced fruits, and biodegradable/recycled packaging.

Ruben Russel: DAO’s & Curacao — A new way to organize

Ruben presented the findings of the DAO research initiated together with DAOstack. A DAO is an alternative form of organization that opposes the Centralized way of organizing we are used to. The research investigates the issues Curaçao is currently facing to find out what relation the (misuse of) centralized power and inefficient organization have to these issues.

Priscilla Lotman: The Joy of Decentralization

Priscilla dove deep into some of the flaws of centralized systems. In a world that is becoming more complex by the day, we are reaching a point where centralization is not the optimal structure. Besides Priscilla mentions the understanding we have of basic concepts such as Privacy and Currency will likely change drastically in the years ahead. But don’t be worried, switching over to a more decentralized world can be a joyful experience if you embrace it.

Adric Walter: Innovating Curaçao with the power of AI

Adric shared the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, how computers are starting to think and learn just like we humans do. AI is one of the emerging technologies that could greatly benefit our lives. For Curacao, AI could be used in a series of cases, with one of the most promising being the Healthcare as AI would allow us to discover diseases even before symptoms occur. In 2019 Adric will go deeper in to AI in the next edition of Curacao Tech Meetups. More information will follow soon!

Want to Ç more? Take a look at the complete photo album here.

Also, you can become part of the movement by tagging @innivationcur and using the #innovationcur



Luuk Weber
Innovation Ç

🤖 • Catalyst of CuraDAO • Investment Associate at Cyber Capital