How to Scale Organisational Change?

Erik Ehasoo
Creative Strategy Blog


A common, yet tough question I have been asked during my creativity talk is how to sell your ideas to others. Here is my practical guide for leaders on how to sell your innovative ideas — using knowledge creation theory and the illustration of computer interaction along the way.

Getting your idea across to another person is hard work. Bringing a software parallel, human brains are working on vastly different (programming) languages. Even if two people look the same and speak the same language, their brain and thinking is different. Like two websites can look the same (front-end) but still have a very different architecture (back-end) behind the scenes.

Often, we share our ingenious idea to another person, and it sounds so logical to us but then has no effect on the other person’s understanding. As in software, if you throw a random piece of C programming language to your website code console, nothing (good) happens. So how to solve this?

The simple answer is — you cannot. You are not able to change your brain’s programming language and its output. Idea transfer between two persons is only possible with mutual cooperation and interest. The key for another person to accept and implement a new idea (coding it in her brain) lies only on herself.

