There’s innovation but there’s also the mind behind it.

Puja Bhattacharjee
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2019

Innovation itself means a novel idea, but it doesn’t stop at that. It means much more. The journey any innovation takes from germination to execution is thrilling and that is more invigorating.

There wasn’t a big epiphany moment as such, that led Hariaharan Bojan to innovate. There were a lot of things and ideas he toyed with which eventually lead him to consider an investment and commitment to something larger than what he could think of. Says Bojan, “It’s not the legacy you leave behind, but the simplicity which can affect people. For me technology can always make things better and what we currently witness is just the convenience aspect of it. The influence it can bring about and the overall impact is what keeps me going”. He thinks there shouldn’t be any fear of failure/loss when innovating which is exactly what he is doing now.

According to Hariharan, most entrepreneurs are tied down by the burden of processes and divert their passion into money making. When survival threatens them, some businesses shift focus purely for monetary reasons. If relevant authorities can help small to mid-sized businesses sustain (on a bigger scale than at present), this can create many entrepreneurs which indeed shall be beneficial to the growing economy. Ideas are born, most ideas never seed out because they fail to see through the process of execution which can be excruciating in terms of investment of not just money, but commitment to the idea till it’s a reality. In the last two there has been a few dramatic innovations but what’s exciting to see is the cloud innovation, inference of AI and ML and Data sciences which have capacity to grow enormously in individual capacity, according to him.

Sirena Technologies is also the first company in the world to make Humanoids at price points that nobody ever believed was possible — making Robots mainstream. The eventuality of Sirena and the potential is so huge, one can see the difference it can make to daily life and the impact for our cared ones. Sirena was born out of a passion and according to Bojan, “We are determined to keep it going because the team is associated more so with the cause to revolutionize the education and not purely the business angle”.

Is it such thoughts that enabled Mr. Bojan set up Sirena Technologies, the first company in the world to engage schools to educate kids on Humanoids & Robotic technologies? I guess so. But one thing is certain. A person who is not afraid of following his/her dreams, doesn’t settle down for mediocrity and can carry a lot of load along the way, while lifting his/her team up all the time can potentially become a great entrepreneur and has a very high chance of success. And that is probably what forms the core of an innovator.



Puja Bhattacharjee

Content writer | An avid follower of innovation and its global impact. | Cares about humanity and its restoration.