A burka sunglasses

Hilarious Innovations for the passionate you #10

Stop worrying about wearing a burkini

Hilarious Innovations for the passionate you
3 min readSep 8, 2016


So, after being in the news headlines for weeks now, I’ve had it.
The endless debate about banning a burkini. Yes or no? The constant arguing whether women wearing a hijab, a niqab, a burka do this out of their free will, or not. What gives?

Why is there a debate? Because other people take offence. It’s not the woman wearing/not wearing the hijab. It’s everyone around her saying she needs to cover herself or not cover herself. It’s never good. There is always someone nagging.

Surely in this day and age, we can do better. Technology has saved us from washing clothes, doing the dishes and mowing the lawn. Now it’s time to liberate all these women.

A man wearing a burka sunglasses

So what if instead, women having to carry the burden of wearing something on their heads, we now turn it over to the men. So I invented “Burka sunglasses”. The burka sunglass is a stylish sunglass with a cunning twist. It’s a smart glasses that scans all females in front of a man wearing them.

A woman strolling around in her summer dress

When a woman is detected, a clever algorithm now projects (in augmented reality) a burka on top of the woman. So now every woman can wear the clothes she desires, cause the burka sunglass will cover het up in full burka. Men that take offence of women not wearing a headscarf can now wear the burka sunglasses in all safety. They will now no longer see any woman not wearing a burka. With the burka sunglasses, every woman appears to be wearing a burka while in fact she is wearing the summer dress she likes. It’s a match made in heaven.

Men are satisfied, women are satisfied, and I’m satisfied, cause I will sell millions ;-))

The same woman as seen through a burka sunglasses

On second thought, why should I limit these glasses to just Muslims? So I’ll make them available for other religions as well. Take this one for example for the Jews. It gives every man a black hat and a set of payots.

The burka glasses with Jewish extension

And why not a glasses for the Hara Krishna people. A glasses with audio speakers that constantly shout Hara Krishna while dressing everyone up in orange, and shaving their heads in augmented reality.

The “Hara Krishna” version of the burka sunglasses. Turns everyone bald, wearing an orange suit

This is going to be bigger then the iPhone.

“Innovations for the 21st century” is a series of weekly inventions.
with a twist.

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