Hilarious Innovations for the passionate you #9

The smart toilet paper dispenser comes to the rescue

Hilarious Innovations for the passionate you


We’ve all been there. You just gave it your best in the smallest room of the house only to discover there is a problem in the logistic store. Out of toilet paper. Oh, the horror.

Why is this happening all the time? Well, the main reason is. We use too much toilet paper. And that’s horrible So what can we do to fix this problem? The “innovations for the 21st Century” team came up with this hypothesis.

What if we could calculate the ideal amount of toilet paper sheets necessary to handle the job?

Not only reduces this the risk of frequently running out of paper. It also benefits the environment and saves you money in your pocket. With all these possible gains, the team decided to accept the challenge. Did they come up with a nifty solution? You bet.

The smart toilet paper dispenser

The smart toilet paper dispenser (STPD)

The STPD is a cunning edge IoT solution that turns any bathroom throne into an intelligent assistant. The STPD package contains two separate hardware modules:
- A Bluetooth enabled smart camera
- An automated toilet paper dispenser

The smart camera sits inside the toilet bowl with the camera lens facing up. In stand-by mode, the camera looks for any pair of cheeks that might start to sit on the toilet. Once a rear-end is detected, the camera monitors those smiling cheeks in 2-second intervals. In the background, a smart software algorithm continuously calculates the pollution damage that has taken place.

The smart camera in action

Once you are finished playing candy crush, or word feud on your iPhone, it’s time for the paperwork. A push on the button kicks the automated toilet dispenser into action. Via a Bluetooth connection the toilet dispenser asks the smart camera the size of the contaminated area. And a patented in-house algorithm calculates the amount of sheets of toilet paper needed to finish this job.

Wow, what a feeling. No more worries like “should I swipe one more time”? Is my butt really clean? No. You can leave the bathroom in all confidence. The STPD has covered your back.

The new IoT solution comes in 4 colours. Black, white, blue and brown. Connect your STPD to your local network and register for the monthly service. For the price of 5$ a month, the STPD service will now also monitor the amount of toilet paper available in the dispenser. Once a certain inventory threshold is reached, the STPD automatically orders new toilet paper via Amazon.

No more being stuck in the bathroom, out of paper, shouting to your relatives.


“Innovations for the 21st century” is a series of weekly inventions.
with a twist.

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