Room to grow

Inclusive branding for an international coalition

Bureau Blank
Innovations in GAIN


Last week, we launched the new Cities of Service website. We partnered with COS to design a visual identity and website that showcases their work to improve communities through strategic volunteerism. For this project, we were challenged to help COS transition from a single country to an international brand implemented consistently in each new location. In addition, our work needed to support COS’ expanding coalition and ensure they continue to be seen as distinguished leaders in solutions for civic engagement and impact.

We started by working with the COS team to reimagine a logo with international appeal that still echoed the local programs that make COS successful. The identity we developed symbolizes the many locations where COS operates and can be adapted to each city or country that joins the COS coalition.

After creating an inclusive, international visual identity for COS cities, we designed and developed a website that could scale with COS’ growing network. Our strategy team developed a digital strategy that integrated audience priorities with COS’ coalition’s goals for expansion.

For citizens, we integrated a social media component that allows citizens to tweet at their mayors about successful COS projects or encourage them to become a members of the coalition. For officials looking for resources, we incorporated a streamlined system foraccessing project blueprints and provide a curated feed of online activity from thought leaders and doers in the field.

The website was launched in June at the 2014 Conference on Volunteering & Service. The COS team was able to use the conference to celebrate their launch and showcase their new brand. The site and branding were well received on social media with new cities asking how to join the coalition at the conference and in the days after the launch. We’re excited to see the coalition continuing to grow and look forward to watching their progress as they move forward on behalf of cities around the

Check out the new Cities of Service site at! Let us know what you think on Twitter @bureaublank.

Photo by World Bank Photo Collection.



Bureau Blank
Innovations in GAIN

Strategy + Design + Web | Working with cities and the organizations that support them (we call it GAIN: Government, Academia, Infrastructure, Nonprofit)