7 Essential Equipments to Enrich Your Camping Experience

Michel Sabeth
4 min readDec 1, 2016

Many people consider camping more of a luxury than necessity these days; however, it has its own share of benefits: it teaches how to establish harmony with the environment, sharpens survival skills, fosters independence, encourages exercise, and provides the much needed break from everyday routine.

While you go camping, it is important to go with full preparation to reap its benefits. Fortunately, there are equipments like camping chairs, tents, and many more that can aid you accomplish this with ease. Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or you do it on a regular basis, these equipments are designed to simplify matters pertaining to camping.

1. Backpacking Tent

A backpacking tent is ideal for small families with three or four members. These tents are primarily designed with the aim to integrate convenience to the overall experience of users without compromising on three key aspects — weight, space, and durability. The best part about these tents is that they aren’t too expensive; you can have it by spending 6 pounds only.

2. Hammock

One of the most important equipments that should find space in your camping kit is a hammock. It could be used for reading, lounging, sleeping, etc. The fact that it could be set up easily in a campsite, speaks volumes for its usefulness.

3. Canopy

Are you worried that your trip might get spoilt due to exposure to elements like rain, wind or sun? A canopy can help you keep the apprehension at bay by offering protection and extending your living space. When it rains, it also provides the option to move stuff underneath; what it does is it eliminates the need to throw everything into a tent or camper. The sturdy ones are strongly recommended.

4. Portable Chairs

While camping with others, you might like to just sit and relax, breathe in some fresh air. Apart from soothing and energizing you, it also refreshes your camping experience. Chances are you would wish you carried a chair. Fortunately, portable folding chairs are available in the market that are easy to carry. Choose one that meets your requirements from the list of camping chairs.

5. Baby Bags

If you are planning to go camping with a little one, then don’t forget to carry baby bags. In addition to keeping the little one safe, it also prevents you from having a sore back. For best results, choose a carrier with a soft structure.

6. Campers

Campers are flexible, easy to pack and stock. In the event of inclement weather conditions, they make for a place to retreat. Moreover, it is the perfect place to hang out, explore or hold meetings while camping.

7. Slackline

This is solely for entertainment. You could string up a slackline between two trees, and walk or bounce; this would keep you absorbed for hours, giving you the moments of entertainment. If you have kids, this can help you in keeping them engaged, particularly during cocktail hour.

To put it in a nutshell, going camping is oftentimes easier said than done as it may demand you to toil hard at times. Therefore, a list of essential equipments or articles has been provided to facilitate you in making yours a memorable experience. It is hoped that the aforementioned equipments will complement one another to take care of the hassles related to camping.



Michel Sabeth

I work as a Technical Content Writer and therefore, I understand the need for unique, engaging and well-researched content. I’m also very focused and passionate