A Lifelong Learner Goes Back to School

Purva Dandona
Innovating Instruction
4 min readSep 23, 2020


How Jenny Ham’s Experience In Education Sales Led Her To Pursue An MBA

Jenny Ham was Goalbook’s first District Partnerships Lead for Southern California and Arizona. Jenny started her MBA Program at Columbia Business School in Fall 2020

What was your role at Goalbook?

During my two years at Goalbook, I was in a District Partnerships role and served school districts in Southern California and Arizona. I was immediately drawn to the role because, although we operate like a sales team functionally, we approach our work in a refreshing and authentic way. Goalbook builds relationships and partners with district leaders to provide teachers with the tools to create and engage in meaningful instruction.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

I first encountered Goalbook, like most educators, while scouring the far corners of the web for resources. The resources I was given prior were typical curriculum-in-a-box type. It did not address the needs of my students with autism, with ED, or who were reading at a college level.

When my research led me to Goalbook, on the center of the Goalbook Pathways home page, I read the exact words I’ve touted throughout my tenure: “There is no teaching to the middle” . We teach each and every student; we don’t expect students to meet our ‘average’ instruction—we meet them where they are. I knew immediately that I found a company whose values completely aligned with my own.

Goalbook has helped me bridge the gap between the public and private sector when I pivoted from the classroom to an enterprise role.

From your time at Goalbook, what skills did you gain and why will they be valuable for your future path?

Goalbook has helped me bridge the gap between the public and private sector when I pivoted from the classroom to an enterprise role. For example, as a member of the partnerships team, I was able to work cross-functionally with other Goalbook teams. Through this, I was able to understand the building blocks of an effective and profitable startup. This gave me a better understanding of the overall operations of a business while working in education.

In addition, I learned that what I was really doing through consultative sales was helping school districts discover and solve their most pressing problems. As I pursue an MBA, I hope to learn more about organizations and the different challenges they face and gain a wider set of understandings and tools to help them be more successful.

Jenny standing in front of Columbia University’s Library wearing her Goalbook t-shirt.

As you transition from Goalbook, what are you most excited about and hoping to gain from your MBA program?

In light of the recent events surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement, and even before when thinking about how our practices as an organization translate to the practices in education, I have been committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am looking forward to the continued conversations around this and how, as business leaders, we can create a culture of inclusivity and diversity in every industry.

Additionally, since I have limited business knowledge, I look forward to my core classes which range from strategy to corporate finance!

I am looking forward to the continued conversations around this and how, as business leaders, we can create a culture of inclusivity and diversity in every industry.

What personal goals have you set outside of work and school?

I want to constantly try something new, be it visiting a peer’s home country or learning/refining a language. This is the beauty of school — there are so many resources and opportunities, but so little time. I want to maximize my experience, which probably means that I will not be getting my usual eight hours of sleep, but I know it will be well worth it.

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Goalbook?

During our annual all-company Summer Celebration, we had a fun day trip to Santa Cruz. On our way back, we did karaoke for about two straight hours on our “party bus”. We sang everything from Lizzo to Journey.

Which team activity has been your favorite?

Last quarter, our all-hands monthly meetings have been on the topic of self-care. We’ve collectively unpacked and discussed self-compassion, stress, mindfulness, and supporting each other. I am proud that Goalbook takes concerted action to ensure that all members’ wellbeing is prioritized.

Find out why other members of the Goalbook Team are excited about their roles and our work.

Read other Partnerships team member stories: Jon M and Oscar

Follow Goalbook on LinkedIn for the latest job opportunities and team updates.

