All New Toolkit Homepage

All the Right Content in One Location

Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction
3 min readFeb 11, 2024



  • Recent Toolkit homepage redesign improves teacher access to essential content components.
  • Users can easily find recently accessed content and training resources.
  • The redesign addresses teacher feedback on the need for quick and efficient access to materials.
  • The update aligns with Goalbook’s mission to empower teachers and help ALL students succeed.

What did we change?

We are thrilled to announce one of the largest changes that we have made to Toolkit in a long time. If you have logged into Toolkit recently you have no doubt noticed a big difference to the homepage.

The recent homepage redesign is structured in such a way that all the essential tools that a teacher needs are right at their fingertips. At the top of the page, teachers will find the three tiles made up of the major content components of Toolkit: Present Levels, Goals, and Instructional Strategies.

Teachers can scroll down to find all of their recently accessed content. Next to this, they’ll find relevant training resources including webinars and product updated content.

Why did we make this change?

These changes were made because teachers across the country expressed the challenge of not being able to access the materials that they wanted quickly and efficiently. Now, users quickly know how to get to the content they need, based on their student and current stage in the IEP cycle.

We have tried to structure the page to fully support teacher planning so the teachers don’t need to second guess if the feature they are accessing is the one that will support the planning stage they are working on.

Since the founding of Goalbook back in 2011, we have been beholden to the notion that the single greatest determinant of student success is the quality of their teacher. Thus, our approach to helping students succeed has been to equip teachers with the appropriate knowledge and resources they need in order to continually improve their practice. This update is in line with that philosophy.

The homepage doesn’t simply present the features within a special education online tool; it presents the features in a way that highlights the most effective approach to creating IEPs and behavior plans that make a positive impact on students.

An improved experience all around.

Now it is easier than ever to access tools and resources that you have used in the recent past, and draft IEPs that have all the elements they need, not only for compliance but for quality. These elements include:

  • Baseline assessments for identifying present levels statement
  • Present levels statements with the ability to add impact of disability statements
  • IEP and behavior goals with progress monitoring, and quarterly objectives
  • Instructional strategies with printable resources

Our continued commitment to excellence.

The recent redesign of Toolkit’s homepage represents a significant and highly anticipated change. It has been structured with a teacher’s needs in mind, ensuring that essential tools are easily accessible.

The three major content components, including Present Levels, Goals, and instructional Strategies, are now prominently featured at the top of the page. Additionally, users can conveniently access their recently accessed content and valuable training resources, such as webinars and product updates.

These changes were driven by feedback from teachers facing challenges in quickly and efficiently accessing necessary materials. Our goal is to continue to listen to teacher feedback and make changes tailored to their ideal experience.

Sign in to your Goalbook Toolkit account to access these features and new content!

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Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction

Engagement @Goalbook making meaningful connections between quality teaching and genuine learning.