Browse Present Levels

A New Way to Draft Present Levels Statements

Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction
4 min readJun 14, 2024



We’re excited to introduce Browse Present Levels, a powerful new feature designed to enhance the IEP creation process for special education teachers.


Unlike the step-by-step approach of the Present Levels Wizard, Browse Present Levels offers a more exploratory way to access present levels statements. It’s all about empowering you to be flexible with how you design instruction by adding more capabilities to Toolkit that fit into your Instructional design process.


Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Browse Present Levels

  • Accessing Browse Present Levels: Select the Browse Present Levels link from the homepage at the bottom of the Present Leves card OR from the nav bar.
  • Exploring Statements: Once in Browse Present Levels, select a grade and subject from the options provided. A list of present level statements will appear, organized by categories on the left-hand side.
  • Edit and Adjust Content: Click through different categories to explore statement content. On the right-hand panel, you can view additional details, access resources, and edit the present levels statements.
  • Use the Content: Once you edit the statement, easily copy and paste it into another document of your choice.

Benefits of the New Method — Browse Present Levels

  • Effortless Exploration: Browse Present Levels offers a more exploratory approach, perfect for teachers seeking inspiration or needing a more general statement rather than a student specific statement.
  • Quick Access: Browse does not involve a lengthy navigation process. It allows you to access a wide range of present level statements in fewer clicks, saving valuable time and effort.
  • Flexibility and Ease of Use: Browse was designed to be an additional option not a replacement for present levels wizard. We are always trying to keep teachers’ experiences in mind. Browse Present Levels offers a user-friendly interface that promotes flexibility and ease of use.

Benefits of the Old Method — Present Levels Wizard

  • Targeted Searches: The Present Levels Wizard excels at precision. Need to find a specific statement for a students? Present Levels Wizard allows you to navigate through a structured step-by-step process, ensuring you locate the exact content you’re looking for.
  • Student Specific: If you are working on one IEP for a student, using the Present Levels Wizard allows you to front-load all of their disability specific information as well as their strengths and areas of growth. This front-loading process is great especially for IEP’s for new students added to your caseload.
  • Customization Options: With the Present Levels Wizard, customization is key. From selecting specific subjects to fine-tuning statement details, teachers have full control over the content they generate, ensuring each IEP reflects the unique requirements of their students.

While Browse Present Levels offers a more exploratory approach, the Present Levels Wizard remains available for targeted searches and detailed drafting. Choose the method that best fits your needs. With Browse Present Levels, we’re simply trying to make IEP creation more efficient and more intuitive than ever before. Try it out today and discover a new level of efficiency in your workflow!

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Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction

Engagement @Goalbook making meaningful connections between quality teaching and genuine learning.