Changes to Library, Updated Browse Functionality, & More Efficient Planning

Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction
3 min readAug 25, 2022

When you sign in to Toolkit, you may notice that we’ve made some updates! These updates are meant to help you optimize your planning process and keep student data secure.

A Better Way to Organize Your Toolkit Library

Toolkit Library now has a “New Folder” button that has replaced the “New Student” button. We’ve implemented this change based on feedback from our district partners.

This small but important change caters to educators who organize their libraries based on content, small groups, or resource type. It also aligns with districts that prefer not to save identifying information for their students outside of the final IEP. However you decide to organize your saved resources, this change allows you the freedom to do so.

Check out Toolkit Library!

Toolkit Browse Optimizations for Cross Content Connection

The browse feature in Toolkit allows you to filter your search based on various parameters like content, standard, grade level, and domain. This is great for pinpointing results, but sometimes it’s also great to have cross-content suggestions to see if there are other options that suit your student’s needs.

Now when you search for Reading or Math goals, content aligned to Alt Math and Reading will surface in line with standard Reading and Math goals.

Additionally, when you filter by standard, subject, and grade level, Toolkit will specify when there is related content in other areas. In the image above you’ll notice, that the search filters are as follows:

  • Subject: Reading
  • Grade: 8
  • Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.10

The generated results have no goals in the specific grade level and subject because the standard is a grade 7 standard. Rather than leaving teachers with a blank screen, the browse feature suggests content pages in the area of Dyslexia.

Browse Goals Now!

Planning Made More Efficient

When you browse for goals in Toolkit, the search results appear as clickable tiles. We’ve added icons to these tiles that show you key information about the goal. The blue dot icon tells you the accessibility level of the goal: On Grade Level, Developing, or Approaching. The arrow staircase icon tells you that this goal has printable progress monitoring assessments.

This change was made to help you increase efficiency throughout your planning process. Having this information on the goal tile helps you quickly identify which goals will work best for you without the need to click on the page.

Browse Goals Now!

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Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction

Engagement @Goalbook making meaningful connections between quality teaching and genuine learning.