Fostering Collaboration and Support: A Recap of Goalbook’s Partner Roundup at TCASE

Elizabeth King
Innovating Instruction
2 min read1 day ago

Recently we hosted a Goalbook Partner Roundup at TCASE in Austin, Texas, which brought together our valued partners from around the state for an enriching time of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking.

The event began with an update on Goalbook’s recent research, highlighting our commitment to deepening our understanding of impact across different contexts and domains to support district and school goals, to cultivate learning, and to contribute to the community of special education practice.

This was followed by a series of thought-provoking “camp fire” breakout sessions, where colleagues exchanged ideas and delved into current hot topics like: preparing for a successful cyclical audit; navigating funding challenges; and special education and Artificial Intelligence. These sessions provided a platform for our partners to contribute their expertise and experiences, leading to fruitful discussions and actionable insights.

Special education leaders from across the state of Texas exchange ideas and solutions around “camp fires” at Goalbook’s Partner Roundup.

Throughout the event, participants expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to connect and learn from each other.

Goalbook partners gather together to network, collaborate, and support each other at Summer TCASE 2024.

“We are all experiencing similar things as leaders in special education, and we can lean on each other for ideas and strategies to help improve our work,” a Texas Special Education Director said.

Partners were given a sneak peek to upcoming updates to Goalbook Toolkit from some of our District and School Customer Success Managers. Along with the sneak peak, district leaders also shared different strategies for implementing Goalbook Toolkit and ideas for encouraging teachers to be successful in their use of Toolkit.

Goalbook teammates are happy to support our partners in Texas.

Overall the summer 2024 TCASE Goalbook Partner Roundup highlighted our value of fostering strong relationships and reinforced our commitment to supporting our partners and the special education community. We look forward to continuing these meaningful engagements and building even stronger collaborations in the future.

Learn more about how Goalbook supports districts.



Elizabeth King
Innovating Instruction

Writing @Goalbook to support special education leaders and help ALL students succeed.