Meet Corey Carrier, Product Designer at Goalbook

Purva Dandona
Innovating Instruction
3 min readJun 8, 2021

Based in Sherman Oaks, CA

What was your experience prior to Goalbook?

Prior to Goalbook, I was a math teacher, coach, and founding member of a new high school in NYC.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

I previously worked at a small school with one special education teacher. I witnessed firsthand how Goalbook impacted his work and improved the academic support our students received. I had been working in schools for almost nine years and it was the first time I experienced a product that was able to truly empower teachers.

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

I work on the content team as a designer. My favorite part of the role is doing research to understand the needs of our users. I love that I can continue to stay connected to teachers and advocate for features that will support their work and hopefully make their lives a tad bit easier.

I love that I can continue to stay connected to teachers and advocate for features that will support their work and hopefully make their lives a tad bit easier.

Outside of the role, what are one or two things you love here?

The people and the opportunities for growth. The work here at Goalbook has challenged me in many ways, and, while I’m not always successful, I am always encouraged and supported.

How do you work and communicate with your manager?

My manager has a Brené Brown quote that she communicates often: “We aren’t here to be right, we are here to get it right.” This sentiment serves to break down egos and to enable us to communicate more openly and honestly.

What have you learned in your role so far?

This is a tough question—there are too many to list! However, I’d say that my most salient learning has been about the power and importance of getting feedback. Working at Goalbook has pushed me to get more comfortable with sharing my work early and often.

The work here at Goalbook has challenged me in many ways, and, while I’m not always successful, I am always encouraged and supported.

What are some areas you’d like to continue growing professionally?

This list is also endless 😊. I’m forever on a quest to be able to logically organize information in my own mind and publicly for the purpose of communicating with others. Publicly displaying my thought process pushes me to question my blind spots, allows me to collaborate, and ultimately helps me make better decisions.

What personal goals have you set outside of work?

With not a lot of time these days (I am a mom to two young boys), I’ve been really zeroing in on the things in my life that bring me joy and trying to simply do more of that. I love to read, and I love to exercise. I’ve been focusing on consistently making space for those two activities daily — even if it’s only 10 or 20 minutes a day.

Corey with her family

What are some of your favorite spots in Sherman Oaks?

We just moved here and haven’t been able to explore too much but there is an indoor plant shop right down the road that I LOVE called The Standard.

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Goalbook?

ALL in person celebrations — being able to see other team members in person is such a treat. I look forward to the day when we can all be together again in person.

Which team activity has been your favorite?

I’m a fan of our field days during Spring Week. These days are always casual and relaxing. Plus, volleyball!

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