Meet Jon D’Angelo, Partnerships Team Lead & Founding Team Member at Goalbook

Based in San Mateo, CA

Veronica Lucena
Innovating Instruction
4 min readJul 9, 2019


Jon D’Angelo delivering professional development at the Santa Clara County Inclusion Collaborative.

What was your experience prior to Goalbook?

Before coming to Goalbook I was a Special Ed Teacher for students with mild/moderate needs in South San Francisco, I was also an Adjunct Professor of Learning and Instruction at the University of San Francisco.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

The thing that gravitated me to Goalbook’s mission was the explicit focus on teacher empowerment and belief in the leaders at Goalbook. When I first interacted with the Daniel, Justin, and others at the company it was clear that no matter what I was doing I wanted to be doing it here with them. Years later, and I still feel the same.

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

I lead Goalbook’s Partnerships Team, which is responsible for the sales process of Goalbook’s products to new district and school partners. I have a dual focus within the scope of my role. I support the Partnerships team members with identifying potential partners and implementations with current partners and I also lead partnerships work within large complex school systems. One of my favorite parts of my role at Goalbook is developing relationships with people I work with others internally at Goalbook HQ and the district leaders I get to work with. I really enjoy working with courageous district leaders who are driven to make an impact and care deeply about teachers and students. It’s a blast thinking through small practical solutions that move the needle for all students.

One of my favorite parts of my role at Goalbook is developing relationships with people I work with others internally at Goalbook HQ and the district leaders I get to work with. I really enjoy working with courageous district leaders who are driven to make an impact and care deeply about teachers and students. It’s a blast thinking through small practical solutions that move the needle for all students.

Outside of the role, what are one or two things you love here?

There are a couple of things that I really enjoy about Goalbook outside of my work. I really enjoy the culture and community of practice that we have as a team of educators working together for the same cause. I also love the genuine appreciation for each individual’s personal and professional growth.

How do you work and communicate with your manager?

I talk with everybody including my boss all the time: hangouts, text, on the phone on the go, etc. Within the partnerships team, there is so much collective knowledge we constantly debrief on conversations, district and state plans, trends, tough questions, and things our partners are doing that are improving learning for kids.

Jon D’Angelo enjoying the company of district partners at the Goalbook Instructional Leadership Symposium.

What have you learned in your role so far?

I’ve learned about how to prioritize my time, and how to listen deeply in an effort to understand and empathize with whoever I am working with.

What are some areas you’d like to continue growing professionally?

I’d like to continue to grow by taking the knowledge and experiences I’ve gained in the last few years and sharing them on different platforms and in different ways with others.

What personal goals have you set outside of work?

All of my personal goals pretty much revolve around spending time with my family, taking my daughter to the park, and working on house projects.

What are some of your favorite spots in San Mateo?

You can catch me at Philz, Antoine’s cookies, Sam’s Sushi or buying toys and books for the family at Talbots.

I really enjoy the culture and community of practice that we have as a team of educators working together for the same cause.

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Goalbook?

My favorite memory at Goalbook is probably seeing the pure joy on everyone’s face when we were able to move into our own office. It was designed exactly how we wanted it and that wouldn’t have been possible without all of our hard work. I remember how much of an accomplishment it felt like at that time and how much it meant to all of us.

Which team activity has been your favorite?

My favorite team activity was in the early days when our whole company went to SXSWedu to take a break from our day to day and learn, enjoy, and experience a bit of Austin together.

Find out why other members of the Goalbook Team are excited about their roles and our work.

Read other Partnerships team member stories: Jon M and Oscar

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