New Year, New Look

We have updated goal tiles to optimize your planning process.

Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction
2 min readJan 4, 2022


When you sign in to Toolkit, you may notice that we’ve made some changes to the look of goal tiles found in the browse feature. The instructional content contained within the goals is still standards-aligned, rigorous, and appropriately scaffolded. The visual changes serve to minimize your planning time.

Why the change?

The process of creating strong goals and designing instruction for your students is time-intensive, especially when you have a hefty caseload and want high-quality goals for all your students. We’ve added some visual cues to our instructional content to optimize your planning experience by showing you what you need to know earlier in your planning process.

The newly added icons on goal tiles show you key information about the goals you may want to use. The three-point icon tells you the accessibility level of the goal: On Grade Level, Developing, or Approaching. The steps and arrow icon tells you the goal has printable progress monitoring assessments. The addition of these changes lets you skim the browse page and pinpoint exactly what you need before opening the goal.

What else is new?

Another change you may notice is that browse results now present you with more specific suggestions. The work we have done on the backend of browse has made it so the results that are surfaced in your search are more tightly aligned with your specified criteria.

Now, when you search for goals, only relevant grade-level goals will display in the results. If you have a student who is not performing at grade level, you can easily toggle between levels of support until you find the goal with the perfect level of access for your student. The animation below shows you exactly how to do that.

We are committed to continually improving your experience as you help all students succeed.

Browse Instructional Content



Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction

Engagement @Goalbook making meaningful connections between quality teaching and genuine learning.