Skill Specific Progress Monitoring and Saveable Printable Resources to Library

Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction
2 min readNov 30, 2020

Our content team has been working diligently to ensure the resources connected to goals are easy for teachers to access and tightly aligned to the skills students are developing. Two recent enhancements help teachers in these areas. The first enhancement is goal-specific progress monitoring sheets. The second is individual printable resources are now saveable to student libraries.

Goal Specific Progress Monitoring Sheets

Example of Progress Monitoring Sheet Attached to Anchor Page.

Most of the Anchor Pages in Goalbook Toolkit now offer specific quarterly progress monitoring data sheets that come with the goals and objectives pre-filled. The information that users are prompted to input is subject and skill-specific so these clear and simple data tracking sheets make it easy to monitor progress towards goals. You can find these data sheets listed as the top resource in each quarterly objective tab.

Below are the 3 examples of Anchor Pages with specific data tracking sheets:

Individual Printable Resources are Saveable to Student Libraries

Toolkit Library allows teachers to save present levels statements, goal statements, and strategies for students. It now allows teachers to save printable resources. This gives teachers the ability to tailor their learning plans to individual student needs because they can connect specific scaffolds to their student’s other saved instructional resources.

It’s our goal to equip teachers with the tools they need to thrive. We will continue to make meaningful updates to our tools so teachers can ensure that ALL students succeed.

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Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction

Engagement @Goalbook making meaningful connections between quality teaching and genuine learning.