Social Media Exit Tickets

Innovating Instruction
2 min readJul 27, 2015

We created some fun social-media exit tickets in Word and PDF format. These are some great ways to engage students at the end of a lesson — and one of them even has some UDL research behind it!

Emoji Exit Tickets

These exit tickets were designed with UDL in mind. The top section gauges student engagement. The bottom three questions are aligned to the UDL principles of Engagement, Representation, and Action + Expression.

Download Emoji Exit Tickets (Word or PDF) from Goalbook’s Website

Twitter Exit Tickets

Have students leave a concluding “Tweet” — or brief thought — for the lesson. Encourage them to use #hashtags (a word or unspaced phrase) to idenify common themes or content from the lesson. Then, when reviewing the lesson the next day, you can share which words or themes were “trending.”

Download Twitter Exit Tickets (Word or PDF) from Goalbook’s Website

Facebook Exit Tickets

Have students explain what they “liked” about today’s lesson. This is an easy, fun way to keep a positive and affirmative focus on students’ comments.

Download Facebook Exit Tickets (Word or PDF) from Goalbook’s Website

Instagram Exit Tickets

Have students create a caption about today’s lesson. You can insert your own image(s) that are related to the lesson — or have students draw a picture. This is an engaging method for visual learners. After completing this exit ticket, you can create a gallery and have students comment on each others’ posts.

Download Instagram Exit Tickets (Word or PDF) from Goalbook’s Website



Innovating Instruction

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