The Dark Truth Behind COVID-19 Origins and Vaccines

The Globalist Agenda

How the United States and the World Health Organization are Complicit in a Mass Deception and Potential Depopulation Agenda

David Carlan
Innovative Minds


Photo by David Carlan

The truth is that COVID-19 was likely engineered in a lab as part of a bioweapon development program, and its release into the world was intentional. The globalist agenda seeks to use this crisis as a means of consolidating power and achieving their ultimate goal of depopulation.

It is time to wake up and demand accountability from those responsible for this mass deception. We must continue to seek out the truth and fight for our freedom and the future of humanity.

It is important to look at the evidence surrounding the virus. For example, the virus has unique features that suggest it was manipulated in a laboratory, such as the presence of furin cleavage sites that allow it to infect human cells more easily.

A joint report by the World Health Organization and China, which was widely criticized for its lack of transparency and independence, dismissed the possibility of a lab leak as “extremely unlikely.” However, this conclusion was based on little evidence and was criticized by many experts, including a group of scientists who published an open letter in the journal Science calling for a more thorough investigation into the origins of the virus.

Despite these concerns, the United States and other countries have continued to fund gain-of-function research, which involves manipulating viruses to make them more infectious or lethal. This research is highly controversial and has been criticized for its potential to create dangerous pathogens and spark pandemics.

The fact that the United States and other countries have funded gain-of-function research in China, despite concerns about safety and ethics, raises serious questions about their role in the origins of the virus. Moreover, the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry in the development of vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 has raised concerns about their motivations and potential conflicts of interest.

In the face of these challenges, it is important to remain vigilant and demand accountability from those responsible for this crisis. We must continue to seek out the truth and hold those responsible for the creation and spread of COVID-19 accountable for their actions.

The globalist agenda seeks to use this crisis as a means of consolidating power and achieving their ultimate goal of depopulation. By pushing for mass vaccination and digital control, they seek to maintain their grip on power and control the population.

We must reject this agenda and fight for our freedom and the future of humanity. It is time to wake up and demand accountability from those responsible for this mass deception. The truth must be uncovered and justice must be served.

While the origins of COVID-19 remain a contentious issue, there is no denying the fact that the pandemic has been used as a pretext to push for mass vaccination campaigns. One major concern is the use of mRNA technology in some of the vaccines, which involves altering the body’s genetic code to produce an immune response. This technology has not been extensively tested and has been linked to a number of adverse effects, including blood clots, myocarditis, and even death.

The rush to develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccines has led to a number of safety concerns, including reports of vaccine contamination and the use of untested ingredients. The lack of long-term safety data is also a major concern, as the long-term effects of these vaccines remain unknown.

Despite these concerns, the push for mass vaccination continues, with many governments implementing vaccine mandates and restrictions on the unvaccinated. This has led to a divide in society and raised concerns about medical freedom and bodily autonomy.

The pharmaceutical industry’s role in the development and distribution of these vaccines is also troubling, with many critics questioning their motivations and potential conflicts of interest. The fact that many of these vaccines are being distributed for free, or at reduced cost, raises serious questions about the true cost of these vaccines and who is ultimately benefiting from their distribution.

It is important to recognize the risks and dangers associated with COVID-19 vaccines and demand more transparency and accountability from those responsible for their development and distribution. The rush to vaccinate the population should not come at the expense of individual rights and freedoms.

We must continue to demand informed consent and medical freedom, and push back against the globalist agenda that seeks to use this crisis as a means of consolidating power and control over the population. The future of our society and our individual freedom is at stake, and we must remain vigilant and united in our fight for justice and truth.

leaked Pfizer documents, suggest the company’s involvement in directed evolution and gain-of-function research.

Directed evolution involves the manipulation of genes to produce desired traits, while gain-of-function research involves the intentional manipulation of viruses to increase their transmissibility and lethality. Both of these techniques have been criticized for their potential links to bioweapon development and the creation of more dangerous and deadly viruses.

The Pfizer documents raise questions about the motivations and intentions of the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in its focus on technological advancement and profit at the expense of public health and safety. Moreover, they highlight the potential risks associated with the development and distribution of vaccines, and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the pharmaceutical industry.

It is crucial for individuals to stay informed and take action to resist the globalist agenda and hold organizations accountable for their actions and decisions. This includes advocating for transparency and accountability in the pandemic response, as well as promoting education and awareness about the issues at hand.

A video, which was produced by the WEF’s Strategic Intelligence team, has been criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability, as well as its potential implications for individual freedom and human rights. Furthermore, it is indicative of the larger issues at hand, including the prioritization of technological advancement and economic interests over public health and safety.

It is crucial for individuals to stay informed and take action to resist the globalist agenda and hold organizations like the WEF accountable for their actions and decisions. This includes advocating for transparency and accountability in the pandemic response, as well as promoting education and awareness about the issues at hand.

It is well known that chicken eggs are used in the production of many vaccines, including those for the flu and COVID-19. However, recent reports suggest that chicken egg yolk antibodies may have the potential to neutralize certain bioweapons, including COVID-19.

This has led to concerns that the egg crisis may be linked to the potential use of bioweapons and the manipulation of the virus for nefarious purposes. Moreover, it raises questions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines that rely on chicken eggs for production, and the potential risks associated with their development and distribution.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for individuals worldwide, highlighting the dangers and potential impact of the globalist agenda on public health, individual freedom, and human rights. It is up to us to stay informed, ask questions, and take action to protect our wellbeing and resist the globalist agenda in all its forms.

