
Self Reflection reveals Leadership Impact

Mindset of Leaders is a Reflection of Mindset of Team Members

When leaders get stuck in getting team members delivering high performance, some may find ways to improve, some may blame others for not putting enough efforts, some may still be in doubt of what to do next.

In my virtual class, I asked the leaders to rate their team members’ mindset on the scale of 0 to 10 (0 : totally self focused, 10 : totally team focused), 90% of the leaders rated them on the left side of the mindset continuum. The reasons given were poor work quality, unable to meet deadlines, refusal of new assignments, bad attitudes, etc.

After sharing how they see their subordinates, I put on the case study VDO for discussion, then I prompted a question on the screen “How does this score (the same one they rated their team) reflect your quality of mindset as a leader?”

Many self reflections were shared in Chats, such as “maybe I’m too demanding, without listening and learning what my team wants from me”, “maybe I did not teach/coach them enough”, or “maybe I did not set clear goal for my team”, or “maybe because of unclear communication”.

The power of self reflection reveals the opportunity to start making a change in oneself, which is much more impactful than changing others. And this is the real leadership, be the change they want to see in others!



Phinyarphat Sereeviriyakul
Innovative Teaching Scholars (ITS) Program

Helping people develop win-win personal and professional relationships for happiness and success with Outward Mindset.