Teaching is a Vocation, not just a job to be done.

When I revisit my North Star, what I’d like my students to become, it reminds me of a quote by this man and why I started my career as a teacher.

I’d like my students to become “A truly compassionate leader”, and this holds true to this quote as it’s the molding of the nations indeed.

Starting from self-awareness, I redesigned my class to allow the learners to constantly reflect themselves as a leader — where in their lives that show compassions, and where indifference exists.

Reflection takes time — so the content based learning was readjusted to student-centered objective learning — allowing them more time to digest, discuss, and reflect.

This allows me to come back to my core — my teaching vocation, not a teaching job trap that I often fall into. Get the job done is not as impactful as get the transformation happens inside my students.



Phinyarphat Sereeviriyakul
Innovative Teaching Scholars (ITS) Program

Helping people develop win-win personal and professional relationships for happiness and success with Outward Mindset.