Astrology FAQ #1 — What indicates widowhood in the horoscope of a female?

Innovative astrosolutions
Innovative Astro Solutions
1 min readOct 5, 2017

7th house represents spouse, 2nd house represents Maraka(death causing planet) So In women horoscope, 8th house(2nd house from 7th house) represents longevity of husband.

If eighth house is severely afflicted with first rated malefics like Saturn, Mars and Rahu and if it don’t have any benefic association or aspection then her spouse longevity is in question. Also If 8th lord goes to dusthana(6th or 12th) with Saturn, Mars or Rahu and don’t have any aspection then death of husband can be predicted.

The above combination should be read carefully, If Jupiter aspects either 8th house or 8th lord then it will give relief. Also based on spouse horoscope the result would vary, for example if spouse horoscope doesn’t have any maraka period then her husband might get in to trouble but life will not be questioned. So this should be carefully analyzed case by case.

