Astrology FAQ #2 — Which yogas (planetary combinations) in a horoscope cause a person to live a long life?

Innovative astrosolutions
Innovative Astro Solutions
1 min readOct 5, 2017

In vedic astrology long life is indicated as Purnayu(75 years to 120 years). There are several combinations indicated but I will highlight some of the key combinations.

  1. Saturn is Ayushkaraka, 8th house is for prediction death. When Saturn or 8th house lord is in conjunction with exalted planet then native will live long
  2. When benefics(Jupiter, Venus, Mercury & Moon) occupies Kendra and Lagna lord is in conjunction with benefic or aspected by Jupiter then longevity is ensured
  3. When ascendant is powerful and Jupiter is exalted, benefic occupies Moolatrikona rashis then long live can be predicted.
  4. If ascendant lord occupies Kendra and malefics occupies 6th and 12th house then native will live long.
  5. When ascendant lord either in conjunction or gets aspection from benefics and benefics himself in Kendra then long life is predicted

These are very general rule, we have access the strength of the planet involved in above combination to conclude longevity.

