Beaconhouse & Innovators Grage Incubation Program

asma aslam
Innovators Garage (IG)
4 min readFeb 12, 2022

Marketing & Sales Workshop

Before starting to think about branding, marketing campaigns, etc. we need to understand our customers deeply. In order to understand customers, we need to understand customers’ persona. A Customer Persona is a fictitious model of an ideal customer. It generally includes demographics (age, gender, location, and occupation) as well as psychographics (motivations, likes, dislikes, and pain points).

So you found out your customer’s persona? Great, Now based on the persona you can find out are personality traits of your customers. Ideally, your customer will have personality traits from the following:

Now next step would be selecting the right name for your product/service. For this, we have a perfect sheet for you where you can design your own brand name.

Brand Name is one of the most important decisions of any startup or business. Therefore it should be decided with a proper exercise. This worksheet has five steps:

Step-1: List names of your competitors
Step-2: List a word or words that encompass the most important thing your brand is here to change? (verbs, nouns, adjectives or combinations)
Step-3: Word or word combinations that could best convey what your product does
Step-4: Of those which is the most original or recognizable?
Step-5: Of those which can be trademarked?

With all these steps you will be able to come up with a brand name. Now you can design your logo using brand color and brand name. After this, your brand needs to be positioned. In simple words design an elevator pitch for brand awareness using the following:
For…(target customer)
Who…(statement of the need or opportunity)
The…(product name) is a (product category)
That…(key benefit, compelling reason to buy)
Unlike…(primary competitive alternative)
Our product…(statement of primary differentiation)

Great, now design the mission and vision statement of your brand. Social media presence is an important requirement for brands of the 21st Century.

Brand Storyboard

The brand storyboard is the heart and soul of your brand concept. To create one all you do is contrast the customer's current state of living with the future state your brand promises to deliver.

Now combine all this data and use it to fill up the brand canvas:

Brand Canvas

Mr. Imran Jattala discussed the importance of media in branding, he pointed out the following details:

  1. Importance of Digital Media: Digital marketing can often be done at a much lower cost than traditional marketing. While print and television advertisements can cost thousands of dollars, an online advertisement may only cost a few hundred dollars. Also, a blog can reach thousands of readers for the cost of creating articles and paying for a server. Digital marketing allows startups to reach new clients and develop relationships at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing.
  2. Attention Economy: The attention economy is the collective human capacity to engage with the many elements in our environments that demand mental focus. Attention economics is an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity and applies economic theory to solve various information management problems.
  3. Social Media as a paradigm shift: Social media is currently most often used as a general communications tool in public relations and marketing, but there is a major shift underway.

The session ended with his emphasis on becoming the person who would attract the results you seek.

Innovators Garage

Innovation Consulting | $500 Billion Innovation Economy by 2030 🇵🇰


