Digital Now: A Guide to Pakistan’s Digital Transformation

Ayisha Gulalai
Innovators Garage (IG)
4 min readMay 16, 2023

Digital transformation has become an indispensable part of the global economy, and Pakistan is no exception. The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically accelerated the rate at which digital technologies are being adopted in every sphere of life, from education to healthcare, from banking to e-commerce.

In light of this, Pakistan must embrace this digital shift and create a roadmap for sustained development. The launch of Tabadlab’s Digital Now: A Guide To Pakistan’s Digital Transformation is a significant step in this direction. It presents a comprehensive vision for a truly Digital Pakistan, detailing a roadmap for how the country can embrace technology and digital innovations to shape its economy and its people’s lives positively.

Moreover, the guide is a timely intervention and calls for a radical, multi-sectoral approach to digital transformation that is ambitious, forward-looking and benefits all sectors of society. The guide outlines several key areas in which Pakistan should focus its digital transformation efforts. These include developing a robust digital infrastructure that is both inclusive and accessible, enhancing digital literacy to promote greater digital participation, and creating a favorable regulatory environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship.

In addition to this, the guide stresses the importance of leveraging technology to create new opportunities for businesses to grow and expand beyond traditional methods. It highlights the potential of e-commerce, digital payments, and cloud services to transform how people do business in Pakistan and expand their reach to domestic and international markets. Similarly, the guide underscores the need for Pakistan to ensure that digital transformation is inclusive and equitable.

The country must make sure that digital opportunities are accessible to all, regardless of their socio-economic background or geographic location. In doing so, Pakistan will ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age.

The Guide focuses on the following three core areas,

1. The Promise of Digital- Livelihoods, Wellbeing, Resilience

The digital transformation agenda has enormous potential for Pakistan. If executed correctly, it can offer several benefits that can help transform the country’s economic and social landscape. One of the most significant benefits is the potential for increased livelihoods, well-being, and resilience for people. With the right infrastructure in place, digital technologies can empower people to find better jobs, access quality healthcare, and improve their quality of life.

By 2030, it is estimated that Pakistan could gain an economic value of USD 60 billion from the digital transformation. Additionally, the potential income from the adoption of Web 3 technologies over the next 20 years could reach USD 100 billion. These figures demonstrate the enormous potential of Pakistan’s digital transformation agenda for driving economic growth and creating jobs for the country’s citizens.

2. Framework for Pakistan’s Digital Transformation

Tabadlab emphasizes that a well-defined framework is necessary to propel Pakistan’s digital transformation agenda. The guidebook outlines three essential prerequisites that can enable digitization at scale, namely agenda setting, access, and adoption. These prerequisites are crucial to building a conducive environment for digital innovation and scaling up digital progress.

The Tabadlab also highlights three growth priorities that aggregate digital interactions to see and grow digital transactions. These priorities are e-commerce, digital payments, and digital skills. These thematic clusters are crucial for creating a sustainable digital ecosystem in the country.

Finally, the guidebook outlines forward-looking priorities that build on the development of frontier technologies. These priorities include artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies can have significant impacts on the country’s digital landscape, creating new opportunities and transforming traditional industries.

3. Digital opportunities can offer a faster track to addressing Pakistan’s chronic economic challenges

Pakistan faces several chronic economic challenges, including high unemployment rates, low productivity, and low-income levels. However, the digital transformation agenda can offer a faster track to addressing these challenges. By leveraging digital technologies, Pakistan can create new jobs, increase productivity and enhance the quality of life for its citizens. Digital technologies can also contribute to the country’s export earnings, facilitating trade and commerce with international partners. For example, e-commerce platforms can enable small businesses to reach new markets and create new growth opportunities. Digital payments can also help overcome the challenges associated with traditional payment methods, reduce transaction costs, and enable greater financial inclusion.

In conclusion, Digital Now: A Guide To Pakistan’s Digital Transformation is an ambitious and forward-looking agenda for a truly digital Pakistan. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, Pakistan must keep pace with this global shift. The guide provides a blueprint for how Pakistan can embrace digital transformation to drive economic growth, improve governance and human rights, promote innovation, and create a more inclusive and equitable society. If implemented successfully, Digital Now has the potential to transform Pakistan into a leading player in the digital economy and a more prosperous and just society for all its citizens.

“The future is digital, and Pakistan must act fast to seize the opportunities that lie ahead”



