The Ultimate Guide to DISC Assessment and Personality Test

asma aslam
Innovators Garage (IG)
8 min readApr 30, 2021

The DISC assessment is a win-win test that provides information about a person’s personality and behavioral characteristics. It can be managed without certification and is usually used by companies and organizations that want to achieve more effective teamwork, such as Increase sales or improve working relationships. The test enables people to access understandable data about themselves and their interactions with those around them. They learn more about what motivates them and what causes them to be stressed, as well as how to deal with conflicts and solve problems. This data can be used to change behavior and improve working relationships when interacting with specific people.

Reasons to use DISC Assessment

Whether it is an individual or team success, it is usually measured by the ability to communicate between people. The DISC assessment recognizes that people are inherently different when interacting with others and have different needs. When a person realizes his personality type. And the surrounding personality types can learn to communicate more effectively. By analyzing the communication needs of team members or employees, the flow of information can be optimized. In theory, the more people understand how they and their colleagues process and disseminate information, the more effective interpersonal relationships can become. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of certain DISC profiles, a person can develop a more flexible work communication method by intuitively adapting behavior to his surrounding environment. The profile type sends and receives information to avoid conflicts or errors.

The DISC Model

The DISC model is based on Dr. William Marston who wrote “Emotions of Ordinary People” in 1928. He assumes that people are forced to act through the four internal forces that determine their behavior. Because of his contribution to the development of the now-known DISC rating system, it was not he who came up with the original concept. In 1956, it was the turn of industry psychologist Walter Clarke to write a DISC profile test based on Marston’s theory. A descriptive checklist called activity vector analysis was developed. In this way, he encouraged participants to choose the adjective that suits them best. The DISC model itself is represented by a circle, which represents a person’s “normal behavior” area. The circle is divided along two axes and forms four quadrants. The horizontal axis is often referred to as the “motor” or “rhythm drive”, while the vertical axis is often referred to as the “compass” or “priority drive”. “.(The term “normal behavior” is used to describe a series of emotions and opinions based on health psychology. It should be noted that there is no diagnosis, discussion, or discussion of any form of mental dysfunction, neurosis, or abnormality in the DISC assessment

Motor Drive

The motor driver defines the upper and lower parts of the circle. The upper part represents the extroverted person, and the lower half represents the introverted person. Quick decisions are related to extroverts. Introverts usually speak more slowly and quietly. They may also need more time to consider carefully when making decisions.

Compass Drive

The compass driver represents the left and right hemispheres of the circle and describes whether the person is task-oriented or interacting with the person. The left half of the circle represents task-oriented people whose behavior is more focused on logic, data, results, and projects. The right half represents people who like to focus on experience, feelings, and relationships. When the motor drive shaft and the compass drive shaft are combined, the circle is divided into four quadrants, forming the so-called DISC human behavior pattern. If the result falls within the circle, not only will it show the type of contour followed, but also the different intensities of the behavior represented. The more intense the behavior. Conversely, the closer to the axis, the lower the resultant intensity.

The four DISC profile types described in the DISC Human Behavior Model are represented by the letters D, I, S, and C (hence the name). These are the first few letters Dr.’s Marston used to describe the four internal driving forces behind human behavior trends, namely:

Dominance (dominant, driving, doer)

People in this category are confident and inclined to work. It is estimated that 12% of the world’s population are type D. Self-esteem and success are essential to building relationships with such people. It is known as a very open and demanding group. Type D people tend to be competitive and focused on the outcome, so some may see it as aggressive, direct, or aggressive. When people with type D are under pressure, they are more likely to focus on achieving goals and show apathy or indifference to others. In fact, the way you deal with the situation simply conveys your power to control the work and the people who do the work. This phase tends to work faster and more ready to take risks if it means finishing work too quickly. They embrace change, frustration, and gentleness, and they can be peaceable or uncontrollable because they want things done quickly in their own way. They may lack humility, which may seem to be a superficial understanding, which can be weakening. Your listening skills may not be very good, and you tend to make decisions to your liking, but they are good for many tasks and have ideas to look at to see the whole situation or problem rather than focus on one place.

Type I — Inducement (influential, inspiring)

People who fall into this category are self-confident and people-oriented. The first category is the world population. They like to socialize, socialize and entertain. They may prefer the views they think others will have. Admiration and appreciation are some basic concepts that help build good relationships with these people. The first type of people is very talkative and often optimistic. They usually like to be the center of attention. You would rather be company than alone. They know how to influence others and can build loyalty with the people they meet. They are ambitious and know how to bring people together to achieve their goals. You are good at providing positive and constructive feedback. Although they may not be easy, the first type of people may be instinctive and unpredictable. They strive to gain public recognition and are therefore considered friendly, energetic, and optimistic. On the other hand, the first type of people may be over-communicating, lacking attention, and being overly emotional. Because of their positive attitude and strong desire to please, they tend to promise more than they have fulfilled, which may obscure your point of view. In addition, they are often seen as irresponsible and a bit confusing. Under pressure, they pay more attention to the people in the situation rather than the details.

Type S — Submission (supportive, stable)

In this category, people shrink back and focus on people. It is estimated that 30% of the world’s population is S-type, so it is best to prioritize sincerity, gratitude, and kindness when building meaningful relationships with such people. They belong to the S category, and the configuration files are usually trustworthy, easy to use, and friendly. They feel more at home with people they know. They don’t like change and feel safer and more comfortable in a stable environment. Friends and family are very important in their lives. They are usually prepared to defend their people or their team. Type S people attach great importance to fairness and justice. They are reliable and stable, and they firmly believe in working with others, especially with executives, to complete tasks. They have been told in detail how to complete the work, and once they know they will start working happily. If they don’t have all the necessary details, they may hesitate to worry about mistakes. They behave cautiously and will always consider others and strive to maintain harmony. Since people with type S diabetes prefer a stable and safe environment, they may need to become too compliant under pressure, which leads to compromise, and they usually don’t worry that this situation will be disturbed.

Type C — Compliance (cautious, correctness)

Such people are introverted and task-oriented. It is estimated that 26% of the world’s population is Type C, and those who use Type C documents value accuracy, value, consistency, and quality. Therefore, it is important to establish close relationships with such people. Trustworthy and decent. Among all DISC personality types, profile C is the most frequently analyzed. They are also the most conservative and cautious people, tending to pay attention to details and combine facts. They are great freelancers and enjoy analyzing tasks and quality, whether it is their services or products. Type C people want everything to work like clockwork. Judge others, because your main goal is to find mistakes and hope that everyone will follow your standards. If others just pay attention to details, they may think of themselves as nerds. The need for accuracy and the fear of making mistakes can also make decision-making difficult, over-analyze the situation, and make decision-making difficult. They suspect that they do not have all the information. They prefer written communications such as e-mails. They need detailed, fact-based information to ensure that they make the right decision and will not raise objections. Because Type C people pay great attention to details and data, they may lose the overall picture. They can enjoy conversations without having to focus on abstract ideas or topics. They can be very diplomatic. Their credibility is based on proven rules and standards, which is why they would rather stay away from them. Therefore, C-type executives value rules and quality. They are more interested in facts, details, and analysis.

When to take the DISC Assessment

In certain departments of the workplace, you can expect someone to perform a DISC assessment as part of the training, especially when you work for a company with higher sales, customer service, or competition. Or a company, if you want to have close interpersonal interaction with a group of people, or as the first point of contact with the audience, you can reasonably expect some form of preparation and evaluation during the preparation and evaluation process. This test can be run at the beginning of the operation or as part of a strategy for loading equipment that may not function properly. Executives, managers, or moderators can use comparisons, groups, or other reports to better understand team members, customers, or colleagues. Take the DISC test when applying for a job or promotion. Finally, the knowledge gained can be used to analyze your strengths and other positive traits. Features in the interview. They can also be used to determine the best way to work with a new manager or team.

I hope you find this article useful.


Asma Aslam
Startup Success Manager at Innovators Garage W

