The Poverty of Minds

Yashica Mishra
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2018

You either control your mind or it controls you. It’s not as simple as it seems but a labyrinth of mischief and deceit, if you want to know what destiny holds for you, open the chambers of your neurological dominion.

Disrupting a monotonous life can be delightful at times. It may appear difficult to do so. But it is certainly not difficult….I beg to differ from the concept of utility and build upon personal satiety because the mind’s paradigm is to hard to beat but not .

To begin with readers, I’d just like to say that it has been a pleasure to communicate with you and understand how you interpreted my first article which was titled the “Ignoramus Polemicist”, many of you felt that the title was very intriguing and what the gist of the article was, concluded to be extremely simple and my objective of receiving many conclusions and interpretations was fulfilled.

Without further a due let me begin with my present narrative, The Poverty of Minds.

Now, the word “Interpretation” literally means “Inference” an individual’s conclusion and this particular expression can be deemed real only when it is firstly understood, then made sense of, and finally how it is experienced. No two people can possibly have the same inference to a particular theme, narrative, or plot, Simply because our brains and minds function with respect to our needs and requirements. Hence to sum up, we perceive only what we require,

Because knowledge is the food that satisfies the mind and hence the mind can take only what it can absorb.

Let me give you an intriguing example, The Bhagwad Geeta which was a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna. Facing the duty as a warrior to fight the Dharma Yudhha or righteous war between Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna was counselled by Lord Krishna to “fulfill his Kshatriya duty as a warrior and establish Dharma.” suddenly after the end of the War and during the Rajya-Abhishek of Yudisthir the eldest Pandava Prince, Arjuna is baffled by the sermons and teachings that Lord Krishna imparted to him on the battlefield and requests the Lord to conclude what he had narrated to him whilst the war. Effulgent Shri Krishna then concludes the Geeta in the last chapter 18, which is Moksha–Sanyasa yoga (Religion by Deliverance and Renunciation contains 78 verses): In this chapter, the conclusions of previous seventeen chapters are summed up, Krishna asks Arjuna to abandon all forms of dharma and simply surrender unto him and describes this as the ultimate perfection of life. which is said to be longer than the all the chapters Bhagwad Geeta!

So even if the Teacher is God the student will only grasp whatever he/she can absorb and mortally comprehend and that is the beauty of it.

In the recent times a lot of Crises have emerged as a result of different interpretations and perspectives and resulted in a world which is highly ironical and self contradictory in nature.

We are ready to greet aliens from distant planets but cannot for once accept refugees from the neighbouring country.

We can express violence in the name of religion and wage wars, throw bombs in the name of peace.

We have created a realm of double standards for ourselves, where what we understand, make sense of and experience isn’t a product of our mind process but someone else’s point of view re-surfaced. We have become imitating robots who believe in the mainstream of knowledge, news and behavioural attitude that is standard-wise acceptable and most importantly of what is TRENDING.

We are chasing dreams and forgetting the reality, we are building a future without taking reference of history.

Why have we become so paralysed with hypocrisy? Why has it led to the decline of our generation? I believe this phenomenon is due to the Poverty of Minds, the very title of my article.

Many say with the beginning of the “Kaliyuga” the meaning of life, morality and justice diminishes and destruction, evil, bigotry and selfishness prevails but what I can comprehend from this is simple. A prediction or prophecy cannot sum our generation up, only a nourished evolved and learned mind of the present Yuga can because the truth lies in the present and within. No doubt the theory on “Kaliyuga” is very relatable but it is due to us that it is the way it is, we have been influenced by the idea rather than being alarmed from it.

We mustn’t learn to accept without interpretation and shall learn to derive conclusions with meanings of our own because our perspective counts and matters just as a vote does during the elections. It is the essence & beauty of our individuality and the core of our very existence.

We lack in awareness and understanding as for us Google is synonymous to Research as Dan Brown very famously pointed out, because what google displays is it’s very own interpretation and not ours which further gives birth to the lack of individuality and conclusion resulting in a standardized comprehension and a wedge between learning and discernment which is nothing but the Poverty of Minds. We need to discover people places and texts to deliver our existence for a higher cause, the cause of the “corresponding truth”

because the truth neither lies in the past nor in the future it lies here within us in the present like an unexplored cave waiting to be discovered.

So dear Readers, read more books, texts, history and art. Give your individual touch to everything around and participate in the process interpretation and also of manifesting the truth and discovering the cave that wants to be found.

I hope you achieve what you seek, I pray to god that you perceive what you need, in the present shall you always live with a mind that is built in Rich.

-Yashica Mishra



Yashica Mishra

NLP Master Practitioner and Environmental Activist, Psychology Undergrad at the University of Melbourne.