special ✨ repository that you can use to add a README.md to your GitHub profile.

Aykut Aktaş
Published in
Feb 27, 2021


You can add a README to your GitHub profile to tell other people about yourself.

About your profile “README”

You can share information about yourself with the community on GitHub by creating a profile README. GitHub shows your profile README at the top of your profile page.

You decide what information to include in your profile README, so you have full control over how you present yourself on GitHub. Here are some examples of information that visitors may find interesting, fun, or useful in your profile README.

  • An “About me” section that describes your work and interests
  • Contributions you’re proud of, and context about those contributions
  • Guidance for getting help in communities where you’re involved

GitHub Page : https://docs.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-your-github-profile/managing-your-profile-readme

