Empowering the Way You Work…and Consume Content!

Andreea Serb
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2019
Credit: www.rawpixel.com

An Editorial Manifesto

Dear reader,

In this day and age, when technology is at the helm of our existence, it’s only normal to live and breathe information, data, and content.

Today, there are around 1.8 billion registered websites, an explosion of expression beyond our wildest imagination.

Because of such a gargantuan amount of information, the World Wide Web has managed to easily expand the marketplace for ideas and educational content to bring value to consumers of any kind. But at the same time, it has also introduced new challenges — to institutions, companies, organizations, and teams.

Because of the overwhelming amount of content that is being produced and the multitude of apps being launched at the speed of light, many individuals find it difficult to sift through the noise and read pieces that matter or solve daily productivity struggles.

In this case, more is not always better.

This is why, at Innovo42, we believe that technology can solve problems that take up unnecessary time. We believe in work that is driven by productivity, automation and digitization and we want to make it our mission to bring our ideas to life and build solutions for the future.

Basically, we believe in decluttering your life from tedious processes and tasks that take up time every single day. This is our mantra as a business and we take it further — in our editorial stance as well.

We know first-hand that changing work habits can result in shaping organizations and we take pride in being the sort of company which prompts individuals and companies to challenge the status quo of their work by providing tools that are practical and improve your everyday tasks.

On the editorial front, we want to think differently too — and with Innovo42's new blog and content efforts, our objective is to empower readers with useful articles that educate and inspire.

We believe that by sharing interesting tips, industry trends, case studies, and articles about digital transformation, we will bring productivity at the forefront of your objectives, so you can draw value from them in the pursuit of learning how to work smarter.

With this in mind, we are taking the pledge to connect with our readers by sharing quality stories written with clear editorial principles that revolve around purpose, not being afraid to share bold ideas and finally, taking the time to reach out to the community at large.

We want to inspire and drive change through words that matter hence we will anchor our stories to these principles:

1. Writing with purpose

2. Engaging the community with practical, informative and data-driven articles

3. Not being afraid to tackle bold ideas

4. Informing, educating, and solving problems

With our digital publication, we will uncover practical advice combined with storytelling, research, data and insights to distill content that conveys meaning.

We are pleased to share regular pieces that will help readers develop goals, create plans, make decisions, manage environments and streamline their accounting work.

Stay tuned and happy reading!

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