Everything is Given Man as a Loan

All excuses for not taking action are bad excuses. Don’t be a victim in your mind-Monday story # 1

Øivind H. Solheim
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2018


Photo: Øivind H. Solheim

You may be overwhelmed by things in your life. You may suffer from a serious illness or you can have an imagined illness. You may suffer from hurt feelings, deceived ambitions or lack of belief in your own capacities.

When you don’t pay attention it is SO EASY to enter the victim role and to stay there. Every human can choose, and it is of huge importance what role you choose to play in life!

In fact there are so many things that can beat us down to the ground and keep us there. Depression and negative thoughts, often both at the same time, all those unpleasant burdens that can be part of our load as we strive and try to make it our way through life.

Is there a good reason for giving up, for saying “No, I give up, I can‘t go on any longer”?

What if we — instead of focusing on what is bad, difficult and negative — try to see what’s around us, really see the world and the humans around us?

What if we try to watch and listen to the world and to our inner voice, and express what we see and hear — like for instance the Swedish poet Pär Lagerkvist does. His poem “Det är vackrast när det skymmer” (“It’s…



Øivind H. Solheim

Norwegian novel author, new novel The Man Who Stopped Aging, Amazon Kindle. Love story, and intellectual investigation: Can we extend human life to 100 or 110?