Knockout Entrepreneurs!

Inovia Capital
Inovia Conversations
3 min readNov 19, 2010

Update: 2010–12–17 new video link/montage of the fight between Bernier & Sirois:

After attending “Knockout Entrepreneurs! Venture Capitalists Boxing For a Cause”, the first word that comes to mind is simply: RESPECT. I mean, you have to respect these entrepreneurs for being REAL entrepreneurs! It’s not just about taking such risk in front of their friends, family and industry colleagues; It’s about putting on a great boxing match, showing commitment to a venture, demonstrating their passion for a cause, having the ambition to succeed, taking risks beyond their comfort zones and for at long last hearing that final bell with their heads held high.

I (alongside all of the other 160 attendees) was ridiculously impressed after witnessing such a well executed 6 rounds of boxing. After 150 hours of training, François-Charles “The Sniper” Sirois, walked into the ring for the first time ever as an underdog. Like most champions, he was confident of heart, body and mind. Sauntering into the arena with the sounds of “Eye of the Tiger” mixed with “I Gotta Feeling”, Sirois showed some out-of-the-box and energetic thinking that defines him. Unknowingly blessed by a famed (and perhaps genetic) “there is no way I’m going to lose” attitude, the Sniper gave 100% of what he knew he could give, plus an additional 100% of energy, creativity and effort he didn’t even realize he had prior to stepping into the ring.

In contrast to France-Charles’ inexperience was Jacques “TNT” Bernier. Jacques walked into the boxing ring with an experienced entourage of purple-clad past champions with a look of complete determination and focus on his face. With AC/DC TNT blasting in the background, I can honestly say that for a moment, when I looked into Bernier’s eyes and grasped his level of concentration, my thoughts turned to: “Oh my, I hope neither one of them get badly hurt”. Jacques was “In the Zone!” Older? Yes. More experienced? Oh yes. In shape? Not as much as François-Charles — but it didn’t matter. TNT didn’t dance around the ring as much as the Sniper did, but his forceful experience and knowledge of when to push at the right moment and time paved the way to a triumphant victory after 6 rounds of top-quality prize-fighting.

Checkout the short Video of round 5

The two fine combatants raised almost $40,000 for two very important causes: Fondation Sainte-Justine and Centre of Excellence for Cellular Therapy of Hôpital Mainsonneuve-Rosemont. Luckily, no one was badly hurt, although I do think François-Charles walked out with a broken rib. It was a true sign that he and his opponent gave us all they had. This was their first match, but also their last match!

Great entrepreneurs come in different styles, types and personalities. But they all share similar quality traits. Entrepreneurs:

  • Take on (calculated) risks;
  • Are smart (they plan, they prepare);
  • Are passionate about everything they set their minds too;
  • Fear not the unknown, but rather embrace it;
  • Aren’t ever satisfied, not even for a moment;
  • Build momentum and let their determination feed off of it;
  • Cross the finish line as winners (no matter what the outcome is).

By taking up this crazy yet unique challenge, Jacques & Francois-Charles showed us what truly great entrepreneurs they are.

Congratulations guys, respect to both of you!

