Welcoming Rosie Chopra as Inovia Executive in Residence

Chris Arsenault
Inovia Conversations
3 min readFeb 26, 2021
@Copyright Photo by Ronan Furuta on Unsplash

Rosie is no stranger to the Inovia family — in fact, Antoine introduced her to Inovia many years ago, and in no-time she informally started advising early-stage SaaS startups in our portfolio on monetization & pricing, product strategy, and business operations. She also became an LP in our most recent fund.

Today we’re excited to formally announce that Rosie has accepted an Executive in Residence position at Inovia.

Prior to Inovia Rosie spent four years at global SaaS giant Atlassian, as Head of Business Operations, Monetization, and Strategy, managing a 20+ person team and reporting directly to the CFO. Over her tenure, she played an essential role in the growth and scale of the business globally and has become a reference for many founders within our portfolio, who leverage her established playbook to scale bottom-up SaaS companies

That the Inovia team has endless admiration for Rosie is clear, so we thought it would be interesting to highlight what other people have shared about her:

  • “Rosie has the unique ability to craft clear, actionable strategies with sometimes ambiguous direction, and then put those strategies into place with amazing cross-organizational direction and execution. This is a rare combination of high-level strategic acuity, combined with the ability and desire to get into the weeds and make things happen.” Michael Knighten, Founder, Sleuth
  • “When it comes to figuring out your pricing model, Rosie is the one! Her experience at Atlassian in monetization is priceless” — Siavash Mahmoudian, Co-founder, Tribe
  • “Rosie combines an easy-going effective style with the determination and efficiency to get things done. She is a change agent, value creator, and a pleasure to work with.” James Beer, CFO, Atlassian; Board Member — DocuSign; Past CFO — McKesson, Symantec, American Airlines
  • “Rosie brought heart and smarts to the Strategy & BizOps team at Atlassian. Her fierce intellect enabled her to synthesize product with business to create differentiated strategies for the company. Rosie is an incredible person to have on any team” Anutthara Bhardawaj, VP Product, Atlassian
  • “Rosie brings a rare combination of drive, smarts, and collaborative leadership style which is effective in managing complex, cross-functional initiatives (such as business planning and monetization) and scaling operations at fast-growing tech companies” Kiran Choudary, CFO, Rubrik
  • “Rosie has been acting as an advisor to me over the past few months and I’ve been extremely impressed by her depth of knowledge in pricing and packaging. She quickly armed me with useful resources, provided guidance on any pitfalls to watch out for, and has diligently gone through any material we’ve passed over to her. She is a natural leader with a real passion for marketing excellence and is a delight to work with.” Amy Beaudoin, Head of Marketing, Allocadia

On a more personal note, Rosie resides in San Francisco with her husband, 2-year-old son, and golden retriever. She loves to go hiking, cook new meals, and is constantly on the hunt for great wines (bonus points for price to value). Feel free to reach out to her at rosie@inovia.vc.

Rosie — a big warm welcome from the Inovia team. We are excited to be working with you in this new capacity and can’t wait to see what we achieve together!



Chris Arsenault
Inovia Conversations

Entrepreneur turned VC w/Inovia Capital. A loving dad & husband, a founder, a funder and for ever a curious entrepreneur.