The Brand New World of Longevity: Paving a Path to Independence

Diana Hsieh
InPlace Health
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2020

Have you ever observed a change in a loved one’s lifestyle or health and wondered if it was normal? Have you or a loved one ever had a life-altering event and lacked the resources to track, understand, and plan for the future? When it comes to longevity, we tend to assume the inevitability of our condition when in fact, there are clinically-proven ways to stay healthy longer through simple interventions and holistic healthcare.

For those looking for a quick summary: Longevity revolves around understanding and maintaining quality of life. We are looking for beta testers of our comprehensive health program, and would love for you to get involved! If you’re 60+, worried about your health, or looking to stay healthy, please sign up at our website.

Introducing InPlace Health: Your Trusted Longevity Partner

The idea for InPlace Health came about as Dr. Hsieh, our co-founder and Medical Advisor, was interacting with patients. He realized that what patients really cared about was maintaining their quality of life and their independence — living the same life they had before. However, the medical system today focuses on curing illness rather than empowering patients to understand, communicate, and act on their personal health goals.

Our vision for InPlace Health is to offer a longevity platform that empowers Americans to stay healthy longer. Our platform combines the experience of our physician advisory team with technology-enabled solutions to make best practices in longevity care accessible across America. With InPlace Health, you can learn more about what it means to aim for longevity, understand your own quality of life, and work together with us to maintain your health over time.

Longevity is all about quality of life

The root of the problem is that healthcare today focuses on curing illnesses. If you think back to almost every single doctor visit you’ve ever had, you likely chatted to the doctor for 5 minutes, filled out a bunch of forms, and had to get labs. That experience works well when you’re relatively healthy and are facing a single, temporary illness. However, it falls short when dealing with the complexity that comes with getting older. Our bodies change over time and our healthcare needs to change with it.

Rather than focusing on illness, functional status is one of the most important drivers of healthy aging. What does functional status actually mean? At a high level, it’s a measure of quality of life — how active are you, how well do you sleep, how’s your emotional health? All of these factors tie into functional status — and you can read more about it in our blog post.

Join us on our journey to change how we approach longevity

The InPlace Health team is deeply excited about the impact of our mission and our ability to make a difference. We are just at the beginning of a journey to rethink how we as a society handle and approach aging well. To start, we are opening up FREE access to our beta program. As testers of our program, you’ll:

  • Fill out an initial assessment to build your aging baseline (which we will expand extensively over time)
  • Receive a personalized care plan to help you manage your longevity goals
  • Collaborate with us via friendly check-ins to help you track your goals over time
  • Chat with a care companion about your care plan

We offer our services in multiple ways — via text, phone, or email. You can choose how you want to engage with us! You can sign up at our website.

If you’re at all worried about your health, or would like to learn how to stay healthy longer, we’d encourage you to try us out! We are looking for early testers to provide important feedback on how we can provide the best experience possible. Please note that we are not a healthcare provider and you should still discuss everything with your primary care physician.

