Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2023


SDE Internship at Qualcomm | Yash Gupta

In this article, Yash Gupta describes his hybrid internship experience at Qualcomm.

I worked at Qualcomm Hyderabad as an Interim Engineering Intern in the summer of ’22. I was selected as a part of the campus recruiting drive held at my college.


There was a test followed by a solitary interview. The test focused mainly on the basics of C and programming concepts. In the interview, they focused on data structures, mainly on how to build them from scratch. I was also asked about concepts of C and embedded systems. Then, puzzles were asked, which were pretty simple.

After about 12 hours, the good news came, I was selected!


I joined the Industrial IoT team at the Hyderabad office at Mindspace, hi-tech city. My internship was in hybrid mode, so I had a fantastic experience!

All the interns were given single-occupancy hotel rooms for the complete duration of the internship, which included all facilities (food, laundry etc.). Also, having all interns in a single hotel allowed us to bond well and make friends for life.


Day 1 was all about orientations. We were briefed about the company and were given our laptops. Then, I called my manager, and he briefly introduced the project to me. I was introduced to the team, and everyone was very welcoming.

Week 1

After understanding my project completely, and completing god knows how many training workshops, I was ready to do some work now. I had to learn Gstreamer as part of my project and go through some internal tools of QC.

I also visited the campus and explored the beauty and the advanced tech there.

Since we had to report only two days to the office in a week, we also got some free time to explore the city, so we used to go and explore parts of the town every weekend.

Completion of the Project:

My project was simple, but it required careful analysis of many versions of software and hardware. I worked in tandem with my buddy, and we often cleared our doubts with the seniors at the office. I would sometimes join senior-level meetings (after taking due permission) and learn how the workflow is decided in an organisation as big as QC. Feedback was always appreciated, and it was always enjoyable to work. In the end, I was given the opportunity to present my work to the VP of engineering, who was quite amazed at the quality of my work. Everyone was pleased, and my seniors commended me.

All work and no play?

We would go for walks after lunch and discuss new technologies, politics etc. Also, after meetings, we would often go and grind out playing TT, and it was always fun when people from various departments came together and enjoyed it. There was a snooker table, a reading room and a big cafeteria.

Overall, there were enough facilities to relax and get better productivity.

After the Internship:

Due to the oncoming recession, my team had no spot left, and hence I was not given a PPO. But they encouraged me to prepare well for my campus placements, and we are still in touch and celebrating each other’s life moments. Working at Qualcomm was a big boost for me in terms of knowledge, corporate exposure, and working with people from various facets of life.

