What’s Going On With News?

And how can you help fix an industry in ruin?

Liam Champagne
InPress Media Insights
4 min readAug 14, 2017


Inpress is a new digital news platform. Like what you see? Come check out www.inpress.media for more info about InPress + a free $1 of reading material when we go live for supporting quality journalism!

Globally, people are becoming increasingly busy. High-pressure jobs and high-pressure social expectations are forcing people to rely on the fastest and easiest way to gather news. In a digital world, newspapers are no longer being consumed over a morning coffee. The news is being read in transit and in fleeting moments of boredom with a scroll of one’s finger on a phone. The thing about the instant digital news revolution is most of it isn’t really news and the majority of the content is cleverly targeted to land in the digital space of the targeted consumer demographic.

Some have more time than others. Man in newsagent’s shop, Paris | credit Florian Plag via Flickr

Rolling redundancies and the evolution of traditional news platforms such as print media is only the beginning of a phenomenal change in the way people consume (or unknowingly do not consume) news globally.

The rising popularity of blogs, independent news outlets, content companies and clever advertorials on social media platforms is deterring consumers away from reading real and objective news stories. Journalists’ integrity and reputations are continually being threatened as new ‘news’ content only serve’s to sensationalise the truth in objective news and in some cases, makes well researched, fact based news and information appear boring.

Traditionally, every journalist job description claims that they must be an impartial and objective observer. It is their responsibility to document happenings truthfully and ethically. A true journalist piece will explain exactly what happened, where and when and it will not intend to sway the reader’s’ opinion in regard to the subject.

These days, factual articles are losing popularity over opinion pieces and alluring copy.

Large corporate companies first recognised the value of copy and stories when it came to sales conversions. This marketing trend has spread like wildfire globally. With the help of social media, it’s sponsored ads and the daily influx of new bloggers and opinion writers people are unwittingly consuming persuasive piece articles that have the sole aim to trigger emotion and gain more followers.

The latest US election was a perfect example of the way news is changing not just in Australia, but globally. Deemed the ‘Twitter’ election campaign, the world was receiving their election news from public, but not verified, opinions across social media platforms. The ‘articles’ regarding the election were powerful, but offensively opinionated and there were far and few between objective articles written by real journalists to inform the public. The journalists simply could not compete with the more captivating stories that were the talking point of the western world.

Traditional journalists are being forced to grapple for thought shaping articles and opinion pieces merely to stay in their profession.

With the rising popularity of far Left and Right wing news platforms, the traditional news model is well and truly being challenged. Devout news readers know how to distinguish real news and journalistic integrity from clickbait and opinion pieces, but unfortunately, this breed of people is slowly dissipating. On the one side, independent news outlets are the most reliable sources of objective news. The journalists maintain the highest integrity and ethical standards and are not grappling to compete with mainstream media to the degree that journalists in established news outlets are. Although on the other side, outlets that don’t have the reach of big audiences or the volume of proper content tend to become lost in the vast expanse of the digital realm.

So we built InPress Media. A news outlet that combines the editorial and creative freedom of independent journalism, with the support, backing, and (future) audience of a big player. Journalists and experts that publish on InPress have complete control over their work, so they can chase down the stories that need telling, regardless of who it pisses off.

There is never a moment when our editors step in to change the narrative — we know that’s not how journalism should work.

Yet InPress is a global news platform. Upon launch, Australia is our focus — because that’s where the seed of InPress Media began. Yet truth, honesty, and integrity in news and journalism are not Australian issues, they’re global issues, so InPress will take them there.

When the time comes, InPress is designed to diversify into languages represented all over the web, publishing journalists and experts from across the globe, directly to you. We’re not there yet, but your support, as well as your love of top quality news, reporting, and journalism, will get us there.

Inpress is a new digital news platform. Like what you read? Come check out www.inpress.media for more info about InPress + a free $1 of reading material when we go live for supporting quality journalism!

