New Game Mode: Space Race! 🚀

Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2018

Yes, today is the day. Space Race is now officially launched on InPvP!

Space Race is a new time-based racing game mode where you have to run, jump, boost pad, ender pearl, and elytra your way to the end. You have seven minutes to complete your run and, if you’re in the top ten scores, post a time on the leaderboard. 👊🏼

Every day you log in to InPvP you get one FREE attempt to play Space Race. Free plays refresh every Midnight UTC (4PM PST, 7PM EST) for your next free play.

You can buy InPvP Space Credits using your Minecraft Coins to get more plays a day. Buying in bulk will give you discounted credits. Keeping a full-time team and building new game modes does take time and money, so we thank everyone that buys Space Credits to help offset this cost. We already have more Space Race on the way so your support makes sure that we can keep building.

For the next few days, every time you log in to InPvP we will remind you to use your free play using our new in-game news system. If you’ve used your ticket already for the day you will not get this alert.

Starting on February 5th, every Monday the Top 10 times for the week will get a special [SPACE] Title that they can show off for one month after earning it! Depending on the success of Space Race we may slowly add more rewards like pets and Ranks for the top times. 😱

Warning: If your Gamertag is not family friendly or you obviously cheated to get a Top 10 time you will be de-listed from the leaderboard. Please help keep InPvP fair and fun!

