Unleashing the Power of Power Query: A Guide to Power Query in Power BI

Ethan Guyant
Inquisitive Nature
5 min readJun 21, 2023



Power Query is a powerful data preparation and transformation tool within Power BI. It empowers users to connect to various data sources, shape and cleanse data, and load it into the Power BI environment for visualization and analysis.

This blog post will explore what Power Query is, the ins and outs of Power Query and how to use it effectively leveraging its full potential in Power BI for data analysis.

What is Power Query

Power Query is a versatile data connectivity and transformation tool that enables users to extract, manipulate, and load data from a wide range of sources into Power BI. It provides an intuitive user interface providing a comprehensive set of data preparation functionalities. The data preparation tools help transform raw messy data into clean data suitable for analysis.

How to use Power Query

Lets explore how to leverage Power Query to retrieve data from data sources and perform transformations to prepare data for analysis.

Connecting to Data Sources

We can access Power Query from Power BI Desktop. On the top ribbon click the “Get Data” button on the Home tab. Selecting the chevron will show a list of common data sources, to view all data sources select more listed on the bottom or you can select the icon above “Get Data”.

Choose the desired data sources from the available options. Available sources include databases, Excel files, CSV files, web pages, and cloud-based services. Provide the required credentials and connection details to establish a connection to the selected data sources.

Data Transformation and Cleansing

Power Query provides a range of data transformation capabilities. Utilizing the Power Query Editor you can shape and clean data to meet your requirements. You can perform operations like filtering, sorting, removing duplicates, splitting columns, renaming columns, merging data from multiple sources and creating custom calculated columns.

Filter and sorting data using a familiar interface.

Remove, split, and rename columns within your dataset.

Ensure the correct data types of you data by setting the column data type.

Leverage the power of Power Query functions and formulas to optimize your data transformation process.

Applied Steps

As you build your transformation Power Query using either built-in functions or custom transformations using the Power Query Formula Language (M Language) each transformation is recorded as an Applied Step. Each Applied Step can be viewed in the Query Settings panes.

You can review and modify the Applied Steps to adjust the data transformation process as required. During the review of the Applied Steps you can further refine the data preparation process and improve query performance. Implementing query folding and other query optimization techniques can improve the efficiency of the your Power Queries.

Query Dependencies and Data Merging

Power Query enables the the development of multiple queries, each representing a specific data source or data transformation step. You can utilize query dependencies to define relationships between queries, allowing for data merging and consolidation. Leverage merging capabilities to combine data from multiple queries based on common fields, such as performing inner joins, left joins, or appending data.

Combine or merge data from multiple queries based on one or more matching column with the Merge Queries operation.

Proper use of merging capabilities can optimize your data analysis process.

Query Parameters, Dynamic Filtering, and Functions

Power Query allows for the use of query parameters. These query parameters act as placeholder for values that can be dynamically changed. This allows for dynamic filtering options. The use of query parameters can increase the flexibility, interactivity, and reusability of queries and the resulting Power BI reports.

Custom functions within Power Query can be used to encapsulate complex data transformations and you can reuse them across multiple queries.

Data Loading and Refreshing

After applying the required transformations, you load the data into the Power BI data model by clicking Close & Apply. Power Query creates a new query or appends the transformed data to an existing query within the Power BI data model. To ensure the data stays up to date with the source systems by setting up automatic data refreshes.

Advanced Power Query Features

There are advanced features within Power Query such as conditional transformations, grouping and aggregation, unpivoting columns, and handling advanced data types. These features and other optimization techniques can be implemented to handle complex data scenarios and improve efficiency of you data analysis.


Power Query is a powerful tool for data preparation and transformation in Power BI. Its approachable interface and expansive capabilities empower users to connect to various data sources, cleanse and shape data, and load it into the Power BI data model. By expanding your knowledge and use of Power Query advanced features you can optimize your data analysis process, streamline data preparation, and unlock the full potential of your data. Implement the strategies outlined in this guide to improve your Power BI reports and dashboards expanding your analysis to new heights of insight and effectiveness.

Start your exploration of Power Query and its features to further the effectiveness of your data analysis with increased flexibility and efficiency.

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Originally published at https://ethanguyant.com on June 21, 2023.

