Our Next Milestone: Leading the Way to the Future of Our Industry

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4 min readFeb 22, 2019
InRhythmers in front of InRhythm HQ

This year at InRhythm marks an important time in my career, as I transition my role away from the day-to-day management of the company to focus on high-impact leadership pursuits that move the needle for us and create long-lasting impact. InRhythm’s success has been driven by tenacity and our own hard work, and we’ve come this far with zero outside investment. We’ve bootstrapped our way to consistent, award-winning growth, and it’s a major milestone for us to have hired a well-rounded and capable operations and leadership team to run the company. This team is more than equipped to handle the business operations that allow us to scale.

In my renewed role as an outward-facing CEO, I will be spending more time practicing thought-leadership and innovation. This will include having important conversations with clients, our practice leaders, coaches, and industry leaders. Part of my renewed role will also include my participation as the Chairman of the New Jersey Commission on Science, Technology, and Innovation, which gives me a platform to advocate, innovate, and help grow great talent and businesses in the New Jersey area.

We have much more to come at InRhythm, including an InRhythmU onboarding program, leveling and professional goal-setting, a guest speaker series, leadership summits, and more! Our mission of promoting learning and growth also means that we’ll be hosting open events and workshops, so stay tuned for more event news if you’re curious about what we do here at InRhythm.

Our Next Investment

As I spend more time out of the office leading these exciting new projects, it’s more important than ever to rethink our communication strategy as a company. When I started InRhythm with a small team, it was easy to speak openly and directly with everyone, and I’ve tried to maintain that same open environment of communication as we expand, owing to our continued success over the past few years. Doing so takes careful consideration and mindfulness about where our messages can be best heard and where our people need to hear from us. The medium is the message, after all, and as our rockstar recruiters and interviewers drive us toward our goal of adding 100 new InRhythmers this year (which reminds me: we’re hiring!), we’re presented with new challenges and opportunities to keep important lines of communication open.

As our team expands and we continue to build the business, taking on exciting new projects and expanding our relationships with current clients, we’re making sure our people have the tools they need to bring the very best into our family of consultants and on to project sites. Like any good dialogue, I want to make sure this is a two-way street. I always encourage our consultants to share feedback, recommendations, and concerns with me directly. We owe our success as a company to the hard work of every InRhythmer, and everyone has a seat at the table when it comes to shaping the direction of the company we all work for.

The ultimate goal — and the best culture builder in an era of overwhelming notifications and communications platforms — is to also increase our face-to-face time together. However you are able to reach your employees remotely, it’s important to foster those connections, which is why our communications overhaul is happening in tandem with more company-sponsored events like themed office dress code days, holiday celebrations, and open social events around the city.

This month, I’ll be thinking about and recommending articles on the importance of communication: how we can be better listeners, how to speak up for yourself where it matters, and harnessing the power of words as simple as “yes” and “no.” I’m asking everyone to be more communicative (and I hope you’ll say “yes” to that request!) by sharing your thoughts, stepping up to teach others, and giving back to the community as thought leaders for the enrichment of everyone. I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

Thanks and Keep Growing,

Gunjan Doshi

What I’m Reading

The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
Holiday, known as the author of several bestselling books on marketing, culture, and simply being human, teams up with Hanselman on a sweeping collection of quotations and wisdom from the three great Stoics — Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca — providing timeless wisdom with a modern context in a well-organized way. This collection will remind you that some knowledge is simply ageless. The keys to success were discovered long before our time; we need only take hold of them.

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman
You might recognize Wickman’s name if you’re a member of our operations team — his EOS primer has been floating around our office, and for good reason: his direct, helpful business insight has made him a celebrated leadership development expert. Traction precedes the EOS primer and lays out the foundation for keeping a company on track as it grows, including prescriptive steps and tests for its strategies. As we continue our rapid growth and aspire to be bigger than ever year over year, it’s important to be aligned on what makes that growth happen.

What I’m Watching

It is Always Day One.
Amazon’s rise to its current status as a business juggernaut and industry redefiner is driven by Amazon’s core principles: customer obsession, eagerness to invent, long-term thinking, and operational excellence. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has been interesting — stories abound of Amazon operating at a loss in a bid to outmaneuver its competitors with unconventional doggedness. Bezos lays out the philosophy of “Day One”: the idea of capturing that magical cultural attitude at the beginning of any new company where that entrepreneurial spirit and nimbleness still exists, even as you scale. Well worth a watch for would-be entrepreneurs and industry veterans alike.




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