Why Is A Submarine Power Cable Route Survey Important For The Cable Design?

Submarine power cables are sensitive assets that are vulnerable to certain dangers.


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Content of this post:

  • When is a hydrographical survey used?
  • Types of echo sounders
  • Uxo’s and USVs
  • Importance of cable route survey to understand what design will be required for the job
  • Sensitive assets: The dangers for the submarine cable design
  • What are the Influential elements of a submarine power cable design?

When is a hydrographic survey used?

To explore the seabed, determine the depth by means of acoustic waves properties. Further to find locations of rocks and sand bars for navigation channel opening and salvage operation.

Surveys are also used for designing projects like dams, bridges, reservoirs, ports, harbors, offshore wind farms, and exploring other submarine cable routes.

Which types of echo sounders are being used?

SBES or a Single Beam Echo Sounder:



Sven Vandenberghe
Ins And Outs Of Submarine Power Cables

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