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yeas, I stalk you everyday.

I again stalked you today.

Prasuma Magarati (With my flaws)
Insane Immaturity


Those unread messages, boring emojis. I go through them every day, I read every words of our unromantic talks everyday, with a hope that one fine day, you will reply. My mind says, I no more matter to you, but my heart denies.

I can relate every incidents with our past events. Those days when you were different, you damn cared. You were so concerned about my emotions, my times. I can also remember you motivating me in every steps of my confusions. You were always ready to express your thoughts and feelings, I seriously felt blessed.

What exactly went wrong, you changed, you moved on. You removed me from all your sites and may be thoughts. You didn’t even think twice about your insecurities, you didn’t discuss about the problems you had with me. I would not insist you to be by my side, I would just apologize for my mistakes and thank-you for making me feel loved for those certain instances of my life.

Yeas, that happy day of my life, when again you sent me a add request, but time was no more same. Our talks were no more same, it had no charm at all. I always used to be the conversation starter, I tried harder to get that previous version of you, it’s been 2 years but you still feel nothing. I feel bad sometimes, I question myself many times, why am I trying this hard to get you back, even if I know the fact that you have given up and you are never gonna return back again.

Every time, I get a message sound on my mobile, I beg it to be yours, but never has been. Since years, my every day 11:11 wish has always been to know the reason behind your responses. I send you message every time to know, what really did piss you off, that you moved on so harsh. I wanna say you, how broken I was from inside when you went, the times I had been through. But, you end up with same old boring emojis or a word that has no senses left to reply.

Dear old love, You know, this might sound senseless, but I am still in the wait of your reply, you know a perfect reply. Who would better know the updates of your social accounts better than me, it will sound insane, but yeas I stalk you everyday, with a fake resolution to my selves that, I wont from tomorrow, but I end up stalking your profile, I am sorry for that. And yeas, even today, but you are free to move on, I also will, when I find a right time, till then apologies if I cant have a control over my selves from stalking you. Good life ahead.



Prasuma Magarati (With my flaws)
Insane Immaturity

I see different colours in the sky, every other day. Well, I choose to live, what about you?