Chrono Cross Wasted Chrono Trigger’s Biggest Gift: New Game+

Chrono Trigger defined the concept of New Game+, and then its divisive sequel missed the point entirely

Aidan Moher
Insert Cartridge
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2020


Of all the gifts Chrono Trigger gave the Japanese RPG genre, New Game+ is probably its most endearing and enduring. This mode — which unlocks when you’ve beaten the game once — allows you to replay the game using your previously-powered up characters, and most of their equipment (minus items related to plot beats). It’s a brilliant way to re-experience the game, and encourages multiple play throughs in search of new endings.

Chrono Trigger’s divisive sequel, Chrono Cross, carried over this feature, but, due to many of its design choices, New Game+ is not nearly as compelling as it was the first time around. Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross sit opposite from each other when it comes to strengths and, more pointedly in Cross’s case, weakness. This is most noticeable in New Game+ play throughs of each title, as the relative solid design foundation of the SNES title and the cracks in the PlayStation title are exemplified.

The original plan for Chrono Trigger was for it to be completable in about eight hours. This was going to be achieved by reducing the number of combat encounters, so the game focused more on exploration and…



Aidan Moher
Insert Cartridge

Hugo Award-winning writer ft. in WIRED, Washington Post, and Kotaku, and author of "Fight, Magic, Items." He lives on Vancouver Island with his wife and kids.