Buddhism Is Wrong

I heard a celebrity spout a mistaken thought and had to respond.

Douglas Giles, PhD
Inserting Philosophy


Okay, that headline is unfair because “Buddhism” is not a discrete entity but has many forms. However, that is part of my point. Read on, please.

I saw a video address using a Hollywood celebrity to promote a particular school of Buddhism. “I realized all my thoughts are illusions,” said the celebrity with a smirk, apparently unaware of the contradiction inherent in his statement. Reject your thoughts, reject your self, all is illusion was the message from the video. Even a small amount of thinking about these claims show their absurdity. So I will insert some philosophy into them, setting aside the legitimate question of why someone would want to convince others not to think for themselves.



Douglas Giles, PhD
Inserting Philosophy

Philosopher by trade & temperament, professor for 21 years, bringing philosophy out of its ivory tower and into everyday life. https://dgilesauthor.com/