Behind the Scenes at 42

Cesar Miguel
Inside 42
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2024
A view of a 42 Paris campus

Welcome to the new 42 blog about our work behind the scenes!

When I tell people I am the CPO of 42, they are quick to ask: “What do you do exactly as a CPO at 42? Why a CPO?” I love to delve into the incredible work done by the teams: Product & Design, Tech, Pedagogy and Data. Let’s take a quick look at the various departments that make 42 a trailblazer in education. This blog will be a small window into their work and hopefully a place where anyone can learn and share, discuss and interact.

A quick intro to 42

At 42, we are known for our innovative, 100% free education model, with our flagship campus in Paris co-founded by Xavier Niel. We offer top-notch training, open to everyone, with a unique peer-learning approach (without teachers), open 24/7.

But there’s so much more to 42 than meets the eye. We are a non-profit organization with over a decade of experience, we’ve expanded to 54 campuses in more than 30 countries (yeah, really!), reaching over 20,000 students globally. Our mission is to democratize access to the digital world, transform lives and make a significant societal impact, a real philanthropic mission.

So what does a CPO at 42 do? What do our teams do?

What we do at 42 behind the scene

🎓 The Pedagogy Team

At the heart of 42 is our revolutionary pedagogy. We went beyond traditional teaching methods like e-learning, videos, and lectures. Instead, our HQ Pedagogy team designs projects encouraging students to “learn to learn”, independently and collaboratively. They keep up with the latest technologies to create content for our core curriculum, discovery piscines (introductory tech topics for non-tech audiences, open to anyone), and professional training programs. Across campuses, the pedagogy teams ensure students’ success, providing the support they need to thrive in this unique learning environment.

📦 The Product & Design Team

The experience of being a 42 student is meticulously crafted by our Product & Design team. They design and develop the tools students use daily, from project access and progress tracking to peer evaluations and examinations, everyday life as a student… Their work ensures that students worldwide have a seamless and enriching experience. This team is the architect of the student and staff experience, ensuring that our innovative educational model is effective and enjoyable.

📊 The Data Team

Data is the lifeblood of our strategy. Our Data team constructs and manages a modern data infrastructure that delivers crucial insights to our partners and campuses. These insights help maximize the impact on student success, all while navigating the complexities of operating globally and prioritizing privacy by design. The Data team ensures that we are continually improving and adapting to meet the needs of our students and partners.

🧑‍💻 The Tech Team

Our “partners in crime”: the Tech team! They build and maintain the robust systems that power 42. Utilizing state-of-the-art methodologies such as craftsmanship, domain-driven design, hexagonal architecture, and infrastructure as code, they create a modern tech stack that supports our global network of schools. The challenges they tackle are immense, ensuring that our content and systems are accessible and reliable for students around the world. For tech enthusiasts, this team offers a thrilling opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects with a profound impact. It is a great feeling when your work matter.

And many more teams make 42 possible

Hand in hand with these teams, many other departments contribute to 42’s success. Our Marketing & Communication team spreads the word about our mission and achievements, handles the recruitment of candidates, aligns the whole Network of campuses, manages the brand… Corporate Relations team builds partnerships and secures funding, helps our students find internships… And many more departments work in this incredible organization.

Together, all these teams work tirelessly to support our growth and ensure that we can continue to offer life-changing opportunities to more people worldwide.

And we are just getting started… 🚀

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

At 42, we aim to keep growing, reaching 100, 200 campuses, and beyond. Our ambition is to give even more people the chance to enter the digital world, transforming their lives without asking anything in return. We are changing the world by making digital education accessible to anyone, anywhere.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. We hope this blog will give you a deeper understanding of what we do at 42 and the remarkable impact we have on thousands of lives, and hopefully you will learn a thing or two in the process.

Stay tuned for more insights and stories from the teams that make it all possible. Together, we are building a brighter, more inclusive digital future.



Cesar Miguel
Inside 42

CPO @42. Product & Innovation leader. “Sharing is caring”, I’m here because I care 😉 (about Product, UX, agile, organisations, tech…)